Level 30 Super Theory-crafting Document


Greetings everyone,

I frequently receive inquiries regarding level 30 gameplay, spanning from technical and theorycrafting questions to complete class guides. In response, I have initiated the creation of a comprehensive resource, which I refer to as the "Super Document" for level 30. This document encompasses an exhaustive overview of every class/spec within the game, with a particular focus on the distinctive theorycrafting elements unique to level 30 gameplay that are not typically covered in standard guides. Essentially, it compiles my extensive knowledge of level 30 into an easily searchable spreadsheet.

Please be patient with the initial version (V1), as developing such a detailed document will take several weeks, especially considering the need to address 36 specs (expanding to 39 in the pre-patch). This guide aims to demystify many of the complexities associated with level 30 gameplay. However, I must emphasize that this guide is designed for players who are deeply invested in optimizing their characters through min-maxing, rather than newcomers or those with a casual interest in the game.

It's important to note that the content within this document is based on my personal experiences and findings. Therefore, it should not be regarded as definitive or absolute; rather, it represents my perspective and insights, which I plan to update periodically as new information becomes available.

Currently, the document is still a work in progress, and I expect to add more content over the coming days and weeks. Initially, my focus will be on populating the document with data, and subsequently, I will refine its presentation and organization.

Thank you for your understanding and support as I work on this project!

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I was literally thinking about this last night, and raid gear can go as high as ilvl 218.
If you are referring to 30s, no. When you are in Chromie Time, the ilvl shown in the adventure guide for raids is wrong. Highest ilvl at 30s is 115, full stop.
Have you verified this? Because I've found the timeline discrepancies to be accurate thus far. I've been jumping timelines with a 35.
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V2 of my class & theorycrafting document has been released!

V2 Patch Notes:

Filled in Data for all class specalizations (36 Total)
Reworked the design of the document to look more visually pleasing and be more easier to navigate
Organised theorycrafting data into appropriate sections
Revised single target tier list to be more aligned with actual data (mixed ingame & sim, since sim doesn't account for special items for many specs, will revise again with gear changes in V3)

V3 Goals:

Farm the remaining pieces per class spec and re-sim gear combinations
Test any remaining tasks mentioned in notes
Finish up & Perfect missing class sim APL’s
Analyse default raidbot APL’s even for functional specs to check for improvements
Double check what I consider BIS to consider any improvements
Provide missing logs for any spec
Provide a fully detailed “race” tab with notes on which race is best
Fill in missing data for “unique items” tab
Make the document much more convenient with coding
Complete any class overhauls mentioned
I may add a rotation breakdown tab with detailed justification on talent choices & item choices per spec

Additional notes:

Known Issues: Upon loading the document the pictures in each class tab misaligns, to fix this please switch tabs once then go back, or refresh page to fix
Working on obtaining all necessary legendaries per class where listed as a option, that specific data can only be added when they’re obtained which is RNG
The transition to V2 to V3 happens live so you’ll notice changes from the moment you’re reading this!, but V3 full notes are released upon completion

Link to doc - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...sKkuJ-XpNWeItF3-W0oP4DtO8/edit#gid=1726519487
Hello man, awesome work.
I have a question, probably trivial, but practically in the last 3 expansions of the game I have only dedicated myself to the 20s bracket.

How do I get these?
Screenshot 2024-04-13 223320.png

Due to the level squish, all my old raid items are level 29 and Sunwell's gauntlets are level 34. Even the same if I try to craft them again
Screenshot 2024-04-13 223157.png
Hello man, awesome work.
I have a question, probably trivial, but practically in the last 3 expansions of the game I have only dedicated myself to the 20s bracket.

How do I get these?
View attachment 24157

Due to the level squish, all my old raid items are level 29 and Sunwell's gauntlets are level 34. Even the same if I try to craft them again
View attachment 24158
You can't. This is merely a faulty database entry, ilvl 109 versions of this item do not exist unless by some christmas miracle Blizzard rescales legacy crafting.
There is a way to craft most gear at the seen item level, it’s not my method but it’s been going around behind the scenes, from what I’m seeing/hearing
Ok, so it's some kind of exploit? I see.
I didn't understand how it was possible for someone to have those gloves. I thought they were grandfathered.
Thanks for your answer.
V3 of my class & theorycrafting document has been released!

V3 Patch Notes:

Farmed the majority of gear necessary as listed for needed specs (minus a few small pieces that ill now farm casually)
Tested the majority of remaining tasks mentioned in notes and finalised BIS (will likely revist upon player feedback & class changes by blizz)
Added some missing class APL’s (Arcane mage is the biggest one)
Double checked current set BIS list for reconsiderations and made necessary adjustments
Provided some more warcraftlogs for some specs
Revised single target tier list to factor in changes
Overhauled the following specs completely: Holy Priest, Enhance Shaman

V4 Goals:

Complete all 3 evoker specs
Finalise all information for non class sections
Sim every race for every spec (792 sims needed)
Complete basic tank sim calculator
Complete video series on how to sim & theory-craft at 30 and more..
Improve design/navigation for document
start datamining dragonflight chromie time
Re-analyse alliance PvP gear differences to horde PvP gear for every class/spec
Finish up legendary grinds

Additional notes:

Known Issues: Upon loading the document the pictures in each class tab misaligns, to fix this please switch tabs once then go back, or refresh page to fix (if you know how to fix DM me please)
Small changes made but not worth listing IE polishing each tab for user convenience

As always all data that can be verified/replicated that increases performance more than listed in document is appreciated as feedback for changes

Link to Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...sKkuJ-XpNWeItF3-W0oP4DtO8/edit#gid=1726519487
Thank you for doc dude, just come back from a break and seen enchants are back for us which is awesome.
Question regarding bis for rsham, is it really better to be all rounder rather than focusing on one or two?

This is my rsham doing alright so far but working on some more haste and if i can find it a boost through ulduar for hammer.
Ive focused on mast and vers but haste is tad low
Havent done anything outside normal and tw dungeons since coming back but barely have to heal outside a healing rain or totem then i just dps

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Thank you for doc dude, just come back from a break and seen enchants are back for us which is awesome.
Question regarding bis for rsham, is it really better to be all rounder rather than focusing on one or two?

This is my rsham doing alright so far but working on some more haste and if i can find it a boost through ulduar for hammer.
Ive focused on mast and vers but haste is tad low
Havent done anything outside normal and tw dungeons since coming back but barely have to heal outside a healing rain or totem then i just dps

Howdy to answer your points:

- I wouldn't focus on mastery as It starts off at a high value and does not scale well, which tends to make it perform worse as gear increases, we have a problem with overhealing at 30 and content is not hard enough that people are taking an absurd amount of damage to ever justify mastery

- Some of the pvp gear at 30 is unique and offers triple secondary stats which offers way to much value to pass up on

- Mana is no issue with the setup I suggest and i can already top off a tank with 1 healing surge (+ some overhealing) and that's with no mastery

Note: here's some logs for lich king 10N from last night for a healer's POV (10 minute fight)


(57.95% overhealing on my monk, and our 2nd healer 64.23% overhealing), if everyone was dropping to low hp like flies then the overhealing would decrease of course, in summary content is tad to easy so healers have a easy time at 30, so the best thing for a healer to do is contribute to dps which rsham can hold over 2k+ dps, rendering mastery useless in regards to damage
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Wow, that's unbelievable work. Thank you for this.

Minor nit: a lot of the tooltips are showing the Classic versions. Not sure if you have any control of that.

Suggestion: if you've ever seen the Timewalking BiS sheet, it has a really good display, in part because it shows the zone (and quest, if applicable) as well as alternate items. That would be a great way to display this data.

Source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...DAC9g9vNWxaFhOgxRI_kLupEicITG-SMv5n4D/pubhtml
Wow, that's unbelievable work. Thank you for this.

Minor nit: a lot of the tooltips are showing the Classic versions. Not sure if you have any control of that.

Suggestion: if you've ever seen the Timewalking BiS sheet, it has a really good display, in part because it shows the zone (and quest, if applicable) as well as alternate items. That would be a great way to display this data.

Source: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...DAC9g9vNWxaFhOgxRI_kLupEicITG-SMv5n4D/pubhtml
i just checked all the tooltips they go to the retail wowhead as that's where i got them from, it could be your settings taking you to classic version, i verified with a friend and they're all fine

also no plans to change any of the design/display right now, this is incredibly tiring work to do and the format i've got now allows me to finish it as fast as possible
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