
  1. Strykjarn

    EU Horde Twink Community

    Recently made a Twink community for all kind of lvl twinks. Sharing tips about gear , stats and builds and doing bgs / Wpvp and dungeons together Everyone is welcome Heres the Invite link: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/Bp747DCEPP?region=EU&faction=Horde
  2. US <Smanginit>

    <Smanginit> (Tichodrius-Horde) We are a 70 twink guild on Tichondrius Horde founded by veterans of the twink community. Our goal is to even out the playing field for the Horde side and lend to the general activity of the bracket while pushing the meta forward. We want to make a...
  3. US Join us in the QQ Bearz - Illidan - Horde

    Hello all, First and foremost I would like to extend a thank you to the XP Off community for generating a big interest in twinking for the duration of BFA (at least until Classic in our case!) and offering a bunch of tips and tricks to help us get started. The QQ Bearz are a reincarnation of...
  4. LF EU realm for 30-39 bracket

    Hi guys! I'm planning on starting a new char in the 30-39 bracket and I would like to know what realm on EU is best for this bracket, as in active guilds for this bracket, BGs, etc. I tried doing some research on this but couldn't find any conclusive info on this, so if you could help me out...
  5. Verb110

    US Seeking Handful of Dedicated 110's

  6. EU 80-89 Community

    Me and Firemaniac noticed during a boost run for our 80 twinks in ICC that the mobs actually hit like trucks now. That made us want to attempt to make a community and eventually a guild för those 80s out there who want to see if a legacy raid group could clear the old WOTLK raids. 80-89 are also...
  7. Warlord Daboo

    US Wãrlords of Warsong Recruiting! Bleeding Hollow

    Warlords of Warsong is the largest and most active 19 Twink guild ever! We clear inactives daily to make room for new twinks so come join us and have fun with 24/7 Bg groups, Events such as WPvP tournaments, Arenas, Wargames, and much more. Warlords of Warsong has dominated for over a year now...
  8. WTS 870 Treia's Handcrafted Shroud w/ socket & leech [US][Horde]

    Selling this awesome cloak on horde side! Also have other items for sale but only 840-855 leech no socket. Items as follows: Boughs of Archdruid Van-Yali - 840 w/ leech, no socket. Cainen's Preeminent Chestguard - 840 w/ leech, no socket. Clauds War-Ravaged Boots - 840 w/ leech, no socket...
  9. mczizegg

    EU Neltharions Lair AP farm

    Hey guys, @Pugilem and I are looking for some guys who wanna farm tons of AP this weekend. We're tired of doing them "alone" and its always nice to meet new guys in that bracket. We both are Horde if you want to join us add me : Nystrozium#2694
  10. Waywicked

    US Insurrection Horde / Illidan

    Insurrection is recruiting. Horde / Illidan The guild was founded by two friends on the belief that a group of like minded individuals could come together to achieve a common goal and it be ENJOYABLE for EVERYONE involved. I can not stress enough the importance we place on just having fun. In...
  11. Creed

    A Guild for All Twinks

    Hello, me and some friends have created a guild on Tichondrius Horde for twinks of all levels called <An Arena a Day>, If you are interested in joining Message anyone in the guild for an invite, and if you're planning on making a new twink come over to Tichondrius and give us a message and join...
  12. Creed

    US Would anyone be interested in US 80?

    So me and some friends are wanting to start a progressive twink guild and were wondering if any of the community would like to participate in a level 80 twink progressive guild potentially on Tichondrius horde. If we get a good amount of people wanting to do so We will begin forming.
  13. icehawk

    US New Horde tactic?

    Is this a new tactic by the Horde? Multi-boxing F2P so when the bg starts Ally have like only 7 or so active players? Unfortunately for the Horde it didn't work this time. We turned around the slow start and came out harder than Rocky Balboa in the 12th round and ended up taking the game!
  14. EU+US 16k level 19 hunter

    Someone force this guy to logout to get his stats fixed ffs one of many people who havent done that yet lol
  15. Zuro

    EU Looking for AGM realm-hop partner (Horde)

    Hey i still need AGM on a few chars. If you also want it but the 110s keep fucking it up we can make a little deal... I made lvl 30s on low pop german realms and moved them to STV. The idea is that you do the same for me and we can get the agm within weeks? We can take turns.
  16. US (Rant) Horde: What is up with AB??

    I've been patient and I've played many, many more games of AB than I've wanted to recently but it is almost sad seeing watching Horde get the absolute snot beat out of it. What is going on with this Bracket's Horde and AB? They run off after assaulting a base instead of defending it, let alone...
  17. US 10-19 Horde Battle Tag Sharing

    Hey guys, I am looking to get to know more level 10-19s on horde. If you have any characters, please leave a comment of your battle tag. We can all add each other and queue 5 mans. My battle tag - Djrend#1194 Please comment yours below!
  18. TwinkOrRiot

    EU <Twink or RIOT> Recruitment (A) - Ravencrest

    What are we? We are a 10 - 19s guild. Twink or RIOT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where are we? Ravencrest - Alliance / EU...
  19. US PROJECT: - We The 29's - *fist bump*

    It's very clear horde have the upper hand of elite players and long time ride or die twinks. Let's not bullshit ourselves either, people follow the hype, with anything. Which in turns leaves people flowing to the horde side for near insta wins and ever so lovely GY camping. When I queue up...
  20. US I'm inviting YOU *fist bump*

    Here's YOUR chance to have another twink, FREE on a new refreshing server! I am currently funding people who would like to squad up on Alliance and help balance the bracket out a bit. If you already have horde or alliance somewhere, I don't care. This is your chance to add a new twink to your...