<No Ding> 19's Twink NA Horde Realm = Kurinnaxx!
<No Ding> is the first 19 Twink Guild on the Classic Kurinnaxx Realm. Formerly known as <Seven Deadly Smiles> from 2006-2009 on Nazgrel Horde, <No Ding> is a guild established by two cousins (Chief and Purp) who twinked back in Vanilla...
A list of Classic guilds who will be premading:
Dominate - Fairbanks
Revolution - Grobbulus
Authorized Personnel - Stalagg
Dominate - Skarem
HAVOC - Herod
Us Nerd - Old Blanchy
Let's get some more names up here.
Didn't find any list for this so i thought i'd go ahead and make one. I will be focusing on warrior mainly fury/arms. Might drop a couple of shields in there. All these items is at ilevel 31. Most items scale the same for level 20 aswell, so don't be afraid to use it for a level 20.
Have I...
The Invasion of Fenris Isle
Warlords of Warsong and The Brotherhood of Banners is proud to announce The Invasion of Fenris Isle, a World PvP Event held on Saturday July 13th on Fenris Isle in Silverpine Forrest. In this event we will combine The 19, 20, and 29 Brackets into one huge battle for...
Hi all - since there doesn't seem to be a community specific for the 20s bracket, I decided to make one on US Horde side (Vets & F2P). Hopefully this will help with forming groups and sharing info in-game. Link is below, please share with anyone you'd like.
US Horde 20s XPON
Good afternoon everyone,
I wanted to request some advice from the veteran community here for some basic and/or advanced strategies for flag carrying in 19s. Since my return to the community I've been making a solid effort to give every role I can a solid shot, and proper FCing has been on my...
Currently grinding fresh characters for chances at specific quest items, such as Fallen Apprentice robe. Alliance obviously has the murloc pools in elwynn forest, but does horde have anything similar or even equivalent.
I can complete the goblin starting zone, and get the robe in about 85...
Hi Guys,
Every night there has been 59 wargames happening.
9-11pm EST / 7pm PST is around group forming time
Btag community link : https://blizzard.com/invite/0722MDkUv0D
Community ingame links:
Horde = qPwPymzhOdg
Alliance = lAWKnXbhm92 (first letter...
Hey guys!
For the next lvl20 event we would like to gather several people in Zul'Gurub to do a PvP battle between the Alliance and the Horde :)
On Thursday 7th March at
09 PM UTC+1
Keep in mind this is a beta, so no limited places, everyone is welcome!
You will find here others...
I took the liberty of making a Horde community! Hoping we get a decent membership and I will be asking for people to join across the BGs I do =D
that is the horde invite link. ^^^
Hiya folks! <Iust now pls> Is a recently formed old progression legacy content guild starting in the expansion The Burning Crusade. (UPDATED)
Server: Tichondrius
Faction: Horde
Level: (70)
We are a great and growing community seeking more members to fill our roster! We allow anyone who...
Warlords of Warsong and The Brotherhood of Banners will be hosting a large scale Wpvp battle on Saturday, February 2nd at 9pm realm! Every level 19 is invited to have fun with us. No premade teams will be permitted to join, we will all group up in a raid group and split into groups of 15 making...
Warlords of Warsong and The Brotherhood of Banners will be hosting another Warlord of The Pit event this Friday Dec 7th at 9pm eastern US time! We will be hosting PvP Brawl : Warsong Gulch Deep Six on Saturday Dec 8th 9 pm eastern US time!
Warlord of The Pit is a 1v1 dueling Tournament with a...
Newly formed twink guild on Twisting-Nether! A guild made to bring every twink in the low brackets on our server together. Anyone who wishes to join will always be more than welcome! We are currently a very small guild but with high ambitions, looking to expand the roster and seeing more and...
i am looking to buy full clear mythic antorus minus eonar for 2 of my 110 twinks.
can be either horde OR alliance, ill faction swap to which ever.
i have a 110 rogue and a 110 DH
paying 1 wow token worth of gold on ANY server NA for both runs!
PRANEFUL#1492 to contact me. thanks
Twinks Of Azeroth
All lvl 29 Twinks are welcome.
Doing Premades / Gear runs
Sharing Tips About gear / Stats and builds
Feel free to join the Community
Invite Link: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/oDZ5ZECNVg?region=EU&faction=Horde
EDIT: Question 1 has been answered: Goblin
EDIT2: Question 2 and 3 have been answered: stat priority can be everything, just focus on two. I went with vers > haste > crit. The talent should be flashover
Hey everyone,
I'm new to the forums so if I made any mistake please let me know.