
  1. EU Vicious Terrorists - Recruiting 10s/20s/30s+ for BATTLEGROUNDS / RAIDS / DUNGEONS / WARGAMES

    Attention, twinks and thrill-seekers! Vicious Terrorists, a newly established horde guild, is on a mission to dominate every facet of World of Warcraft twinking. We’re recruiting level 10s, 20s, and 30s who are eager to bring their A-game and carve their names into twinking history. This is an...
  2. Vibbe

    Ten Twink Inc • The revival of 10s

    Elo Boys n Girls! Me and some good friends are going to revive one of the brackets that we hold closest to our hearts! Many years ago on retail we hosted and pretty much held the whole activity of 10s. With everything from bg’s, world-pvp, raid & other pve content. Even as far as guild vs guild...
  3. Rmorais

    EU <Project 35> Cata/MoP stuff as level 35

    Hello all, A few days ago we launched a brand new Project 35 on Draenor EU Horde and we are actively recruiting as many members as possible! We will focus on progressively raiding through Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria at the same time, but also do PvP events, dungeons and more. If this could...
  4. WoD Dungeons party finder?

    Anyone wanna do a ingame community for finding WoD dungeons lvl 10? Or we can share tags here: EU Horde Sorry if this has already been done
  5. Best horde race for 10 MW Monk?

    Hey, I'm wondering what would be the best race for a horde mw monk for dungeon boosting? I'm considering: Zandalari Troll for the 5% MS boost Undead for Touch of the Grave, not sure how it scales, but figured it could maybe get very high numbers Goblin for the 1% haste and movement ability Any...
  6. LFM Horde 59s WOTLK Classic

    I don't know if this is the place to try to rally some troops, but horde could use some twinks in the 59 bracket. There are a few of us, but Alliance definitely has us outnumbered. WSG and AB games pop nightly with maybe a 15 minute wait for the first game and a couple minutes once you are in...
  7. Novica

    Shadowfang + Assassin's Blade [Golemagg, Horde]

    Looking to sell both, on Golemagg, horde side. Willing to significantly drop the price for a fellow twink. :PeepoGlad: HMU!
  8. Embu

    Battle For Outland | lvl20 PvP Event EU

    [07.05.22] REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED! Introducing a new PvP event for lvl20 twinks! :p Alliance and Horde will fight in the arenas of the Hellfire Peninsula (Outland). • DATES • Thursday 7 July 09 PM CEST • HOW TO JOIN • Join the WoW20 Discord. Check the channel event-info...
  9. Current statement of EU lvl20 horde pvp

    So the current statement is a FUKING BIG PART OF SHIT! We have pushed around 20+ matches from tomorrow+today. Summary is 2 wins at start and we stand around 17+ suck in a row. Its dont fuking a thing if premade, russains or any crap goup we face against. There are still many brainless solo...
  10. Gobolord

    LFG for BoE farming in the evenings, NA Horde (need inviter)

    Hey guys, so far I have been farming solo, or with one other person, and I'm looking to pick it up a little. I didn't want to cold-call everyone on the farming friends thread, especially because a lot of those posts don't mention their faction and are kinda old. I'd like to farm every day for...
  11. US [Doomhammer] [US] [H] <Xalted> Looking to build a Community!

    A new guild/community on Doomhammer looking for engaging and friendly players! Aimed at being a social experience, we look to do events, PvP, and pretty much do everything together! Help newer players and everyone else along the way! Though I am a returning player to WoW and don’t have...
  12. KPI

    General US-Horde (Glowcap Festival) Farm, get your sporeggarr rep

    Starting Farm 10am PST 5/27/20, can assist anyone with interest. You will need to get your character to Zangarmarsh. Add Btag; OrangoTango#11704
  13. EU LF Horde Twink Guild on Earthshaker

    Hi all, Old school Twink player here from the Vanilla/TBC good old days back on EU-Sylvanas Alliance, and looking to get back into the action! Currently playing Horde on EU-Earthshaker, and interested in the 19 & 29 brackets. Would really appreciate any advice or information regarding 19 & 29...
  14. Stoprunning

    US Twinked (19) - Thunderfury (H)

    Twinked is recruiting some more dedicated players. We currently premade Thursdays at 6pm server, and Sundays 6pm server, we plan to add more Premade nights as the guild continues to grow. Got a real friendly community over here, and are looking to add more to our roster. You can find a pug from...
  15. Beafycritz

    US Looking for Horde Vet guild

    Hello! I am Zaphy, i have been part of XPOff for a good amount of time now, i was the previous GM of District 19, and have been playing twinks since MoP, i have just recently found a guild to play my alliance vet toons with, and am now searching for a horde guild to play my horde 20's with, i...
  16. Horde player looking to make a 29 ret

    I have decided one of the twinks that I would enjoy playing the most is a 29 ret. Unfortunately my characters, and gold, are on the horde side of incendius. If anybody is interested in helping me gear up a ret pally, or trade gold on any ally server for gold on incendius, please let me know. :)
  17. Incendius Horde 29 Guild - GANG GANG GANG

    GANG GANG GANG is recruiting all classes and players for our mainly 29 guild. We have dedicated members who have been playing the 29 bracket for years and can help you gearing as well as Class/Talent/Gear advice. We also play the 19 bracket and are venturing into 39 but for now our main focus is...
  18. Austin

    Discord for all f2p twinks

    I want to bring the community together so I created a discord. Its for anything really but Id like to get bg groups going. Please join if interested: https://discord.gg/6Q7R4Z
  19. Vehexmence

    [H] <Redridge Menace> Fairbanks Guild LFM

    The drums of war thunder once again.. During the First War, Warchief Blackhand led a small orc raiding party into the Redridge Mountains, seeking to claim Lakeshire as a Horde stronghold. Anduin Lothar led his knights down the slopes and ambushed the orcs and almost succeeded in defeating them...
  20. DigitalChemyst

    WoW's 15th Anniversary XP-OFF BG's!!!

    *TLDR: If you queue with XP-OFF in the new BG on Tuesday, everyone will be in the same queue! If you want to do the other BGs, you MUST PARTY SYNC! Use the communities below to do that!* With the 15th anniversary event coming this Tuesday, I thought it would be nice to get in on the BG action...