
  1. Wolfz

    US Noob looking for some help. (ally)

    Right now im queuing for dungeons. I dont have any gold and i cant lock my stats. Is there anyone one out there willing to help me out? Thank you = Wolfz#1983
  2. Tenin

    US Calling all 101's or helpful 110s

    Hello twinks, I'm enjoying the world of 101 twinks, unfortunately I have rude friends who do not understand our glory, I require mythic HFC (hellfire citadel) runs I'm trying to get a trinket. I'm looking to either meet 101's to accomplish this or 110s who would like to run me. My battle tag...
  3. Idiot

    US [Emergency] House Unfit to Live In At This Time (mirror of my 29 thread)

    Hey guys, as the title reads, my house is now most likely unfit to live in for the time being. To make a long story short, I think it was a group of people who had recently targeted me for problem B (I had a little run in with them at a bar, they were some biker tryhards who kicked me in the...
  4. Idiot

    US [Emergency] House Unfit to Live In At This Time

    Hey guys, as the title reads, my house is now most likely unfit to live in for the time being. To make a long story short, I think it was a group of people who had recently targeted me for problem B (I had a little run in with them at a bar, they were some biker tryhards who kicked me in the...
  5. Chosenpeon

    EU+US Lvl 69 Warlock BiS gear help???

    I suppose the title says it all, also if anyone could enlighten me on the most popular twink levels that too would be appreciated. Also, my warlock is currently Lvl 60. Is there any reason/benefit to leveling him to 69?
  6. Exercise

    Recent Windows 10 update freezes comp when opening WoW

    Hello, title kind of says it all. I can open the app as well as use my laptop like normal, but every time I load up WoW it freezes my whole laptop on the character screen. It doesn't allow me to move my mouse, ctrl alt del or anything :/ wondering if anyone could possibly help.
  7. Verum

    Fastest way to get around invasion sites. (Alliance)

    In this little "tutorial" I will show you the ways I find the fastest getting around the invasion sites (by foot). And "By foot" I mean without fly mount. Remember that these are the ways I find the fastest, there is most likely a faster way to get to these sites faster, if so, write a comment...
  8. EU+US Does anyone know BiS for lvl 29 Prot Warr?

    Looking for someone who can tell me BiS for my Lvl 29 Prot Warr :D
  9. Snack

    Macro issues

    Hey, I have a problem with my macros atm. I have 2 accounts on the same, and I think that I, at some point, copied the macros folder from one of my chars to the other. Because now it seems to be somewhat connected. When I make/delete/edit and AddOn on one of my chars, it sometimes...
  10. Snoopsy

    EU+US 10 tink question

    I've seen 2 at level 10 now with 3stats in chest and bracers... What is that enchant called? I really need it. Can someone help?