
  1. Dpook

    The War Within 10s & 11s Armory

    Reach out via messages with any feedback or questions. updated: 2/3/25 Special thanks to @pokspell @Conzil @Emelia @Life for your support and commitment to the community <3 PURPOSE To provide the most up to date armories with the current meta gear from TWW. Due to high volume of requests...
  2. 30 DH weps

    Hi, just getting back into twinking and playing at 30 as a demon hunter. trying to find some tank weapons, plan to get eskhander right claw for dps spec as haste proc looks juicy but falling short on tank looking at weapons and was wandering if wraith scythe is any good still, also can it proc...
  3. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Farming BiS BoE i29s/i42s in Dragonflight

    Hello, it’s Jonnes again – bringing you another farming guide for level 1 twinks, but for Dragonflight this time. This one will specifically be an outline on farming your Bis BoE i29s/i42s. This guide is no longer up to date with the release of 11.0. What to Know I want to go over a couple...
  4. retrofunk

    hatebringer farm for my tank twink

    hey, i want to cop a for my druid without paying for a second sub. can solo dg, just need a level 12 pally/warr/dk to tag along to loot. can return the favor with xp boosts or possibly some boe's. retrofunk#11481
  5. Fugitivo

    Twink farming discord server (EU)

    Hey if someone was looking for a discord server to easily find farms related to twinks in Europe, feel free to join to this discord server with the following link - Thanks =)
  6. YoungTattedX

    BoE Drop Changes ?

    I have been doing some research into some BoE items for some of my twinks. Upon looking into it further I see most if not all of them are above level 20 (21,27+) So i was generally wondering if there was a patch that changed the ilvl of the BoE drops perhaps. I even tried looking at other...
  7. ProfThiccamore

    TBC BOEs

    Hey all, What are the best ways or places to farm TBC BOEs? Specifically I need The Essence Focuser, Lola's Eve, and Charlotte's Ivy for level 20. What's level do I need to be, and what locations should I try?
  8. Ivo

    Fastest killed in Legion BoE farming?

    I was wondering which spec is the most efficient in killing packs in Legion farming. I can think of Arcane, Fury and Mistweaver. Arcane dmg is crazy high but runs out of mana rather quickly. The other two do very good dmg and never run out of resources. Not asking about a lurer like hunter. What...
  9. WTS Sameed's Vision Ring [EU-H] Socket+Leech

    Hi, taking bid for this ring I pulled up. Discord: Merscyn#2929
  10. Quick question.

    Im back to farming greens. Anyone know if having multiple 24s/25s in a group yields more loot? Im not sure how personal loot works and im trying to see if having a toon from my 2nd account in the group while farming is worth while. Thanks. P.S. I know in dungeons you can have multiple toons of...
  11. LF 20 Twinks on Stormscale (US) and Connected Realms

    Look for 20 Twinks for farming / trading / dungeon runs on Stormscale and connected realms Frostwolf, Vashj, Drak'Tharon, Firetree, Malorne, Rivendare, Spirestone Contact me via battletag Veryscary#1994
  12. BOE Farm Party!

    Hey Guys and Gals! would anyone be keen in an ILvl 28 farming party!? We can group on our 24s and just massacre and loot like crazy! Tomorrow night (work pending) I’ll be on and we can crush out some loot and relics for people! my is Carter91#11780 Add me :-)
  13. ohti

    Farming Friends (10s EDITION) (Btag List) (EU/NA/OCE)

    Join XPOFF Discord Here Join level 10 Alliance Community Here Join level 10 Horde Community Here (no link yet) Post in this thread with your Btag, faction(s), and region if you're looking for people to farm with or just some new WoW friends interested in the same thing you are, 10s! BoEs...
  14. Jonnes

    A Comprehensive Guide to Farming BiS BoE Greens in Shadowlands

    Hello, it’s Jonnes again – bringing you another guide for level 1 twinks in shadowlands. This one will be specifically a guide on farming your Bis BoE greens. There are three sections, What to Know, What to Do, and Where to Go. As previously, I wish to give a lot of credit to @Winterly who is...
  15. Gryffon

    Farming IL 28 gear in Nazmir, only getting cloth.

    I am farming on a level 20 hunter in Nazmir and I am only getting cloth greens. Am I just farming the wrong mobs, or is something else going on?
  16. Pawnhunt

    Lvl 1 BOE Farm

    Hey guys. im looking for people on Eu Horde to farm lvl1 boe greens. I can offer a lvl 10 geared Hunter for farming. Have a nice week guys
  17. 110/111 vs 120 Speed Twink Farming

    Hi all, I have been trying to get people's experiences on this for a while. Some have said that there is no benefit in doing a 110/111 speed twink as they have changed how islands work. So I would like some clarification on this. Basically my goal is just to farm old content/raids upto maybe...
  18. Lind

    US Foamspittle Value? Bleeding Hollow

    Curious as to the value of level 20 foamspittle staves on Bleeding Hollow, so far I have a couple blues and in the future will likely be looking to sell purple staves (once I get one for my toon haha) I'm aware greens are next to worthless, prob going to give those away as bribes to join my...
  19. SFK Shadowfang farm

    Hello everyone, Main is finally on a roll and can now easily farm SFK. I was wondering if people knew exactly which npc's dropped Shadowfang. There's very vague and different information out there. Some sources claim it only drops from bosses, other sources say it drops from trash, some...
  20. Diibzee

    49 Gear SPECIFIC

    So I can't seem to get this to work in any way, I have a 49 warrior I am gearing to twink with now atm. A couple items I need are green BoEs.. That being said all the greens dropping are level 41 for me that warrior and when I try and farm on my 56 pally everything dropping is 50-51 level...