
  1. EU Epic Foamspittle on Stormscale Horde (EU)

    Selling an epic Foamspittle Staff on Stormscale Horde (EU). I will take gold on any server and faction (i've got reputation in the trading discord and can move between servers with ease). I only have 1 but plan on farming a while longer will update if i get more. Pm me for more info
  2. Kakakaka

    US F2P Wargames

    Oh boy... This may upset some or even make a few folks happy. I'm looking to setup f2p wargames in the future. (Wargame = Twink vs Twink, generally 10v10 wsg setup through a command) Frankly, this is something I've been looking at for a while- and was my original intent when I first made my...
  3. Abyrogendy

    EU+US F2p advice

    Returning player who isn't interested in subscription content. I'm just curious about messing around with the f2p world. I'd like to play a caster and from what I can gather elemental shaman is very underplayed. I'm also new to this whole Versaility system...So I'm trying to ask what's the best...
  4. WTB Magefist Gloves - ilvl28

    Hello, I need Magefist gloves ilvl28 in ravencrest horde. Discord : babsplit#8255 Bnet : zumblash#2971
  5. US f2p Haste Questions

    Hey, First time poster looking for some help about haste. I've played f2p on and off for years making a resto shaman this go around. I wanted to get my cast time for lightning bolt down to 1.6 seconds. I'm not great at math but I was figuring 20% haste would knock off .4 cast time giving me...
  6. Embu

    EU Next tournament - your opinion is needed

    For its next event, WoW20 plans to organize two tournaments. One tourney for lvl20 players with a starter account and one tourney for lvl20 players with a veteran account. ✅ During one month, the WoW20 staff made rules to propose a better balance of the tournament. We would like to get your...
  7. Weko

    EU+US New Guide Posted on Wowhead - The F2P Handbook

    Hey guys! Just wanted to let everyone know - I just posted a guide on Wowhead called "The F2P Handbook". I worked really hard on this and would appreciate if you guys could jump over there, give it a read through and let me know what you think! Please leave me comments with any errors or content...
  8. tyr3d

    EU+US Fabulous title

    Is this possible on f2p? I've got two or three Fashionistas, but is there enough gear out there for 20s?
  9. Bestworld

    EU WTB req lvl 20 cloth aurora gloves/boots/bracers/ring

    Looking to buy aurora cloth off-pieces with best stat distribution, 3/2 for ring and bracers and 5/3 for rest, prioritizing vers>haste (open to haste>vers offers). All of this is on Argent Dawn, Alliance. Message me on here.
  10. EU+US Vets vs F2ps, How does it work?

    I have a question about how the mechanics of the differences between Vet and F2p. I saw a thread that showcased the differences. If I were to transfer a 20 with locked xp to a starter account would it go under the Vet rules or the F2p rules. Furthermore is a whole account needed to unlock the...
  11. EU+US F2P Balance Druid

    I know that main is versatility, but between haste and crit, which one is better for pvp? Cheers!
  12. handsomedgc

    EU+US The basic tango - A F2P Discipline Priest guide

  13. EU Q pops, where they at ?

    Hi everyone, thats my first post here:) So, last weekend my drunk a** came home and decided to log on my first twink i have ever made.. at 5 in the morning ..just to do some quests for soothsaying vest & sparkproof gloves .. aand well.. both came out in epic quality!:cool: Now that this char...
  14. LvL 20 Twink Brackets

    (Disclaimer - I have already tried to search for this thread, it has probably been answered but cannot find it) Hi, I'm new to twinking (In BFA) and I noticed the queue times on 20's EU are much longer than on a starter account level 20. I assume this is because there is a separate bracket for...
  15. tomxoqt

    EU+US Any way to increase epic proc chance from quests?

    I'm sitting on handing in the Stockades quest for the vers shield because I want to make the chance of an epic proc higher. Any tips, lads?
  16. EU+US BiS Talents Guide

    hey so heres a list i've put together for each spec talking about what talent you should pick and stuff if the choice is a no brainer I wont go into much detail but if you can pick and choose i'll explain why also theres apparently a photo upload cap of 25 so some of the last few specs are...
  17. Soryo

    EU+US Windwalker Monk F2P

    It's been a while since I've played. After hearing about the changes to F2P and the decent place the bracket is currently in I decided to fix my computer and give F2P another shot. I started leveling a Windwalker Monk, being sure to save all my quests rewarding green or blue gear til I hit 20...
  18. Wallhack

    WTB foamspittle staff Ravencrest-Ally

    All in title, I want to buy it on Ravencrest-Ally level 20 or 19 Message me here or add my Bnet: BymD#2195 !
  19. 20 Hunter BiS

    Title says it all. Does anyone have a loadout of the BiS for a 20 MM/BM hunter or one that is relatively close?
  20. Embu

    EU Next lvl20 event for soon

    Something is coming... #wow20zulgurub Who will be able to save the Horde from the Alliance? The answer will come this Saturday! ;)