Hey all!
couple questions:
1. Is it better to make a 29 twink or a 20 twink? What's the balance details on this? Seems like even people that pay for the game are making lvl 20 twinks instead?
2. What is the absolute best in slot gear for a balance druid for 20-29 bracket? have about 1mil gold...
Hi Guys,
Every night there has been 59 wargames happening.
9-11pm EST / 7pm PST is around group forming time
Btag community link : https://blizzard.com/invite/0722MDkUv0D
Community ingame links:
Horde = qPwPymzhOdg
Alliance = lAWKnXbhm92 (first letter...
Hey guys!
For the next lvl20 event we would like to gather several people in Zul'Gurub to do a PvP battle between the Alliance and the Horde :)
On Thursday 7th March at
09 PM UTC+1
Keep in mind this is a beta, so no limited places, everyone is welcome!
You will find here others...
Hello, I and another strong group of Twinks have created a community of Twinks 110 ingame. We would like to invite you to join this community to organize groups and teams.
Events will be created, we also run PvP Acheivements, we farm every week Antorus Mythic for free and we also have group...
Hello, my name is Ninja
I decided to dedicate my days to twinking, and I’ve noticed that Bleeding Hollow doesn’t really have a twinking guild. So, I shall be the one and true official Twink guild for the realm, and yes, we are Alliance. Bleeding Hollow is mainly horde. Which means more horde to...
I'm relatively new to this bracket and twinking in general, but I levelled my arcane mage and got some pretty good gear and started doing really good damage in Battlegrounds (I'm very aware that has nothing to do with my skill and everything to do with spamming arcane missiles), however - about...
Warlords of Warsong and The Brotherhood of Banners will be hosting a large scale Wpvp battle on Saturday, February 2nd at 9pm realm! Every level 19 is invited to have fun with us. No premade teams will be permitted to join, we will all group up in a raid group and split into groups of 15 making...
Hello! I want to invite you all to the community Twink 39. We're an fast growing community with already 165 member, with an active searching for people to queue with!
So if you never wanna be alone again, join us! sometimes we do Wargames in collaboration with the <Playground> guild from...
i am looking to buy full clear mythic antorus minus eonar for 2 of my 110 twinks.
can be either horde OR alliance, ill faction swap to which ever.
i have a 110 rogue and a 110 DH
paying 1 wow token worth of gold on ANY server NA for both runs!
PRANEFUL#1492 to contact me. thanks
Hey so decided to offer the services of an alt to help those that don't have access or spend silly amounts of gold. I was inspired to do this after i found out how much it would cost to get the spellfire set from the AH, about 200k on argent dawn, cost me about 50k but i bought all the mats...
US Alliance 69 mage here and I'm trying the whole twinking thing out. Kind of difficult being that the Horde is usually just better when it comes to PvP. Anyhow, just lookin' for some people who like running BGs. Communities don't have too many people on at this level that I've seen.
Hey, just got back too twinking and was wondering if there is any active ingame communitys for lvl 29?
Currently playing on Outland and i don't seem to find any 29 twink guilds on my server, atleast one that is active.
Also, if someone wants to play some BGs or w/e hit me up!
<War> is a new 19s guild that is looking for 20 dedicated members on Stormrage. We offer funding and runs, as well as paying your sub (if you're an active member) every other month. Our GM, Xiffy, is very experienced and is happy to help if you need it. It isn't required that you be dedicated...
Name: Exura Vita
Realm: Argent Dawn
Faction: Alliance
Trice#21388 (Trice)
Retardqt#2250 (Dexa)
Motar#21121 (Motar)
Hello, Exura Vita is a freshly made lvl 70 guild on Argent Dawn.
We made this guild in hope of bringing more activity to the bracket, recruiting new and old...
<Locked XP>
Realm: Sargeras
316 Members (as of 11/15/2018)
Locked XP is a fairly new guild specifically for level 19 twinks.
We are recruiting members & mustering up resources!
About us
○ Our members are online everyday.
○ We like to have fun but we can get sweaty. ;)
○ Members...
375k on the dot no more no less.
Haven't seen the price go lower than 500k(on my realm Sargeras/Alliance)
for the level 19 version of Shadowfang in AH.
Send mail to the character "Dirtystove"