
  1. WTS / WTT 810 frost relic! Kel'thuzad alliance

    I am looking to sell a 810 frost relic / trade it for a 810 fire / arcane relic! comment or add zak#1386
  2. WTS 810 Frost Relic on KT!

    I have a 810 level 101req frost relic for sale on Alliance kel'thuzad, currently taking offers comment or hmu on zak#1386
  3. Sketchbag

    US <Fillory and Further> US Horde Bleeding Hollow

    <Fillory and Further> BH Horde LFM 19s
  4. Compad

    EU 2v2 19

    Hey im looking for some to que 2v2 arenas with and try to progress, post btag below if ur interested. Balance Druid - Qweria Ravencrest Alliance
  5. Waves

    US [A] <Scuffed Guild> Stormrage

    <Scuffed Guild> is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Alliance looking to effectively and efficiently complete current raiding content while having fun. We are searching for a few more talented raiders to fill our mythic roster so we can start mythic progression and go into Nighthold with a strong...
  6. US I put together 70 raids constantly! Alliance Side

    Hey there, I've owned multiple Alliance 70 guilds and really, i'm done with guilds. I'm done having people level up, gear up, and do everything on a new server when they already have a character ready. I just want to get going and do random shit. I'd like to down Sunwell, but who knows. If...
  7. EU+US Starter Edition VS Subscription

    Hello! Is it worth to buy the game and subscribe if I only want to play with 20-29 level characters? Battleground queue times too long, sometimes it takes one hour. Why? (20-29, Bloodfeather, Alliance) Will there be any future changes to the Starter Edition features?
  8. TwinkOrRiot

    EU <Twink or RIOT> Recruitment (A) - Ravencrest

    What are we? We are a 10 - 19s guild. Twink or RIOT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where are we? Ravencrest - Alliance / EU...
  9. US I'm inviting YOU *fist bump*

    Here's YOUR chance to have another twink, FREE on a new refreshing server! I am currently funding people who would like to squad up on Alliance and help balance the bracket out a bit. If you already have horde or alliance somewhere, I don't care. This is your chance to add a new twink to your...
  10. Sponsor

    US Herald of Titans Weekly

    Update: THIS IS NO LONGER HAPPENING - OUR GROUP IS BUSY PREPARING FOR LEGION I just felt like letting everyone know that I have been running weekly with some folks on US Alliance that run ICC 80 only and Uld/Herald of Titans weekly. They are not located on a specific realm, its just a bunch of...
  11. Fistreceiver

    EU <Thats So Ravencrest> 29 Twink Guild

    <Thats So Ravencrest> is a twinking guild for experienced and skilled players who enjoy the level 20-29 bracket. We are are friendly and social bunch who are always up for a laugh, however our recruitment process is far from a joke as we are selective on who we invite. We are currently a...
  12. Robotomr

    EU LF best Ally 19s realm

    Hey everyone, I've been looking around on here for threads about the best servers for EU ally twinks. I saw a thread about someone looking for advice about transferring and they got recommend Draenor for alliance or Argent Dawn but went to Ravencrest. I'm looking to see if anyone can help...
  13. Finding lvl 20 and lvl Alliance Mounts - YouTube

    Finding lvl 20 and lvl Alliance Mounts - YouTube

    and now the alliance 20-40 mounts