20 bracket

  1. EU Vicious Terrorists - Recruiting 10s/20s/30s+ for BATTLEGROUNDS / RAIDS / DUNGEONS / WARGAMES

    Attention, twinks and thrill-seekers! Vicious Terrorists, a newly established horde guild, is on a mission to dominate every facet of World of Warcraft twinking. We’re recruiting level 10s, 20s, and 30s who are eager to bring their A-game and carve their names into twinking history. This is an...
  2. Bakedaflol

    20s Dragonflight enchants

    Note: Post-launch or Pre-launch is referencing 15th of November. Wich is when the pre-patch event, and the new Chromie updates are likely scheduled to kick in. Hence why you can't test the scaling changes on the PTR yet. So even though pre-patch is set to start on the 26th of October, Not all...
  3. finally after creating twink and letting account lapse...

    I turned xp back on, let the account lapse, logged into inactive account and went to play my twink. dungeon finder works fine but trying to queue for BGs gives me the error message "free trial accounts cannot perform that action." Did i do something wrong in setting everything up? feels like...
  4. Elementalx

    [EU] WTB twink items pls

    Looking to find https://www.wowhead.com/item=87450/hood-of-alchemical-vapors Scaled to 20 also after: Feverflare cloth bracers and shoulders with socket + speed Feverflare Mail bracers and Boots with socket + speed Feverflare offhand with socket Intellect trinkets with Mastery, socket and...
  5. TheTrueApple

    Price Check/New to Twinking

    Hey everyone! I've been trying to farm gear for my lvl 20 twink and came across a decent ring? I was wondering If I should just keep It or try and sell It. I'm sure It ain't going for a million gold lol
  6. Life

    US <<<GOLDEN TWINKIES>>> - The Largest & Most Social Guild is RECRUITING ALL 10s/20s/30s+ for BATTLEGROUNDS / RAIDS / DUNGEONS / WARGAMES / PARTIES

    <<<GOLDEN TWINKIES>>> (Bringing the “Golden Era” to Twinking by Uniting EVERY twink!) The Largest, Most Social, Most Active, & Fun Having Twinking Guild is recruiting all TWINKS! ✨WELCOME TO THE PARTY!✨ We're here to gear you up, enchant you, and bring you into the action! We are the...
  7. Gaara

    +4 Versatility finger enchants

  8. Nutsmite

    Possible meta shifts?

    Now that crusader is even more broken most likely hunter abusers will jump to fury warriors, and maybe dk's and paladins at some point. Do you think that will cause meta to focus on melee now? maybe we will see WW monks with fists pvp talent to counter them, and then rogues to counter monks? Is...
  9. Is ticket to re-enable exp still working?

    Hello, at the moment I am subscribed on one account. Was thinking about going vet and canceling subscription to re-enable expierence but from what i've been looking at support (been searching for 1 hour), there is no way to make ticket to turn exp back on. Only option is a very small article...
  10. WTS Sameed's Vision Ring [EU-H] Socket+Leech

    Hi, taking bid for this ring I pulled up. Discord: Merscyn#2929
  11. dereksquadov

    20s Arena Rating Leaderboard?

    Hey guys. I remember seeing a post about a macro/arena rating leaderboard that used to be maintained for twinks competing in arenas (specifically 20s bracket). I tried doing a search for it but couldn't find anything. I'm working on SquadOV (a WoW arena VOD replay app) and we recently added a...
  12. Baelo

    Baelo's Ravencrest EU sale thread. Socket+speed, savant, adaptable

    All items are located on Ravencrest EU (Alliance) Discord MAG#3914 Battletag MAG#22749 Current speed+socket gear: C/O 350k Savant items with socket: Plate chest Plate shoulders Plate head Leather gloves Leather shoulders Cloth head Cloth shoulders Adaptable items with socket: Mail...
  13. wtb Destiny eu

    Wtb lvl 19 req Destiny, any server eu
  14. Nkopala

    Starter Edition Manifesto

    Starter Edition Manifesto This is a document which must be kept unaltered in order to provide the basic knowledge necessary to participate in World of Warcraft (WoW) Mist of Pandaria (MoP) as a Starter Edition regardless of the server/realm you are on. It is important that all of these...
  15. What servers are played?

    Hey, was curious about farming some items used for Twinking, was curious what the ideal Realms would be
  16. Germinus

    So. How we feel about shadow priest?

    I know spriest is one of the no.no. calsses atm. But how about it?
  17. 20 Twink Solo Druid Classic Dungeonmaster Run completed!

    It is with great pleasure that I can announce I have completed running every single dungeon on my 20 Twink in the Classic Dungeonmaster solo! For this run I decided to run with druid, as I felt it had what it took to complete the challenge! Below I have included a write up of my thoughts on the...
  18. 20 Paladin Twink Solo Classic Dungeonmaster Completed!

    I shared this on the bliz forums, wanted to share it here of course! I finally completed the Classic Dungeonmaster Achievement on my lvl 20 Paladin twink: Solo!!! "I’m so pumped to have gotten this done, to my knowledge no other 20 paladins have pulled it off, just hunters so far. At any rate...
  19. Magrain

    Last Trump Card, Veteran Subscription

    So i stopped paying for Blizzard ever since Cata, ofcourse i have grown to dislike what they did to the game with thier modernization of systems and killing basically the social aspect of things with the Introduction of LFR, RF etc. But i never looked back, ofcourse untill the Shadow Lands...
  20. Magrain

    The Shadowlands Pre-Patch Bizarre Experience

    So, its been a wild ride. Blizzard has made the most groundbreaking patch ever, to most of the twinking community, to the f2p accounts. It certainly felt like a breathe of fresh air, definitely a memorable experience. To wrap things up, I want to hear your experiences gentlemen. -What was the...