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  1. Prot Pally/Disc Priest vs. Frost Mage/Disc Priest

    1. You're a bad troll 2. Ret = rngs and prot = sustainable dmg. Prot>Ret dipshit 3. If I wanted to lvl up I wouldn't be asking for help on this website which is..."TWINK INFO" ;] faggot
  2. Prot Pally/Disc Priest vs. Frost Mage/Disc Priest

    There has got to be some way we can win...but how? It seems like they cc my healer and focus me. How the **** do you win again frost/disc?
  3. Why don't 60 or 70 raiding guilds allow DKs?

    My best guess would be because DKs didn't even exist until Wrath. I'd guess it's to keep things realistic + there is no dk t6.
  4. Capping at 74?

    Sounds awesome. So would it be worth getting my prot pally up to 74 then? I know for some classes it's not worth it but what about prot pally? cause I loveeeee to trololololololol ;]
  5. What am I stacking and What should I aim for?

    Another mage....****. Just stack intellect.
  6. Capping at 74?

    So just to confirm...if I'm lvl 72 and want my partner at 72 to join an arena team they can't? Even though we're the same lvl? Not saying I'm capping at 72 I'm just giving a random example lol. To have a 74 arena team me AND my partner have to already have been on an arena team and we have to...
  7. Capping at 74?

    Okay so since I've capped I see occasionally people in my battleground that are above 70. I feel like most people who cap above 70 do it because they're bad...but then I got to thinking. Basically I'm just wondering...if you cap at 74 are qs for bgs AND arenas AND rbgs the same q time or are...
  8. *Twink Advice* Ret/Prot Paladin

    90 views and not a single reply. this website is ****ing awesome.
  9. *Twink Advice* Ret/Prot Paladin

    Rëptär @ Ghostlands - Game - World of Warcraft I have a couple questions concerning bis gear, gems, enchants, and specs. The gems in my necklace, shoulders, and bracers are 10str/10crit I was wondering if I should switch them out for straight str. I also have 1 in my chestpiece. This...
  10. Born To Survive World First 10man SwP

    Wow this is ****ing awesome. I wish I could put together a guild on my server to do something like this.
  11. Prot Paladin?

    If you're going prot I would say totally go for str/resil gems. Personally though after trying prot in 2s I don't feel as if it has as much of a dmg output as ret does. Then again ret is totally about rngs at this lvl. I like to play with lady luck ;]
  12. Resto Shaman help

    As a retribution paladin doing 2s with a resto shaman I'd have to say red rid of all your gems and put 20 int gems in every socket. He can sit there literally with 2-3 dps on him and not die or go oom for 10-25 mins. This is his link if you're interested in checking him out. Ã…zuma @ Ghostlands...
  13. Ret Paladin/Resto Shaman 2s

    Lol so not much help then huh? :\ This is my first twink so I'm new to all of this. Oh well.
  14. Ret Paladin/Resto Shaman 2s
  15. Ret Paladin/Resto Shaman 2s

    The 2nd team was a dk.
  16. Ret Paladin/Resto Shaman 2s

    Oh yeah I did do that didn't I lol. By bad xD I'm surprised there weren't more typos considering I had to write that twice lol.
  17. Ret Paladin/Resto Shaman 2s

    Okay this is my first...well SECOND post here. I accidently hit the x button in my browser after completing this...but I suppose I will write it again lol. I'm Rëptär a Ret Paladin; Rëptär @ Ghostlands - Game - World of Warcraft I do 2s with Azuma a Resto Shaman; Åzuma @...