*Twink Advice* Ret/Prot Paladin

Rëptär @ Ghostlands - Game - World of Warcraft

I have a couple questions concerning bis gear, gems, enchants, and specs.

The gems in my necklace, shoulders, and bracers are 10str/10crit I was wondering if I should switch them out for straight str. I also have 1 in my chestpiece. This will give me 40 str over 40 crit.

As for specs I have played both prot and ret. I have the 2h mace with berserking, but it's not equipped atm on armory. I understand that ret is completely about rngs. Either I get lucky and kill something or don't and it will last forever in 2s. What I like about prot is the consistent damage output, but I don't feel like I do as much damage as I do when I'm in ret. It might be because of the big crits I get off of exo/templar procs?

I'm currently running 2s with a resto shaman. What is the best 2s partner at this lvl for either a prot or ret pally? What would be the best comp for this character?

Also is there anything you would change about my spec/glyphs. Why?

My last question is what are my BiS trinkets and ring?

Edit: Also for I find it hard to keep up with enemies who have the boot speed enchant. Should I sac 32 ap for stm/minor speed?

I can't tell you whether to switch the gems or not, as it's a matter of preference really.

But definately switch out your 32 AP on boots with stam/speed (assuming you don't have the speed from talents).

Prot damage is, as you mentioned, more sustainable and more evened out with the occasional burst compo which is increased by eventual proccs.

Ret is completely based on RNG and is a lot more viable at 72/74 as you get wings and can pop HoW every CD - group up with a frostmage or a proper rogue and collect points.

However, if you prefer to stay at 70, then I'd say prot would be the way to go, especially with a shammy healer. Windshear is a bitch combined with AS and rebuke.

Band of Ruinous Delight from Twins and the Brutal one should be BiS.

Bloodlust Brooch for ret when popping wings too perhaps.
i know how you feel. opened one a few days ago and not one person replied. got a whole mess of views though.

wish i could help you man, but i have no idea how a 70 pally should look =/
Willesen1 said:
I can't tell you whether to switch the gems or not, as it's a matter of preference really.

But definately switch out your 32 AP on boots with stam/speed (assuming you don't have the speed from talents).

Prot damage is, as you mentioned, more sustainable and more evened out with the occasional burst compo which is increased by eventual proccs.

Ret is completely based on RNG and is a lot more viable at 72/74 as you get wings and can pop HoW every CD - group up with a frostmage or a proper rogue and collect points.

However, if you prefer to stay at 70, then I'd say prot would be the way to go, especially with a shammy healer. Windshear is a bitch combined with AS and rebuke.

Band of Ruinous Delight from Twins and the Brutal one should be BiS.

Bloodlust Brooch for ret when popping wings too perhaps.

kk now do me - http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/70-79-bracket/24423-lf-frost-blood-dk-tips-advice.html

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