Prot Pally/Disc Priest vs. Frost Mage/Disc Priest

There has got to be some way we can win...but how? It seems like they cc my healer and focus me. How the **** do you win again frost/disc?
1. You're a bad troll

2. Ret = rngs and prot = sustainable dmg. Prot>Ret dipshit

3. If I wanted to lvl up I wouldn't be asking for help on this website which is..."TWINK INFO" ;] faggot
pretty sure he means level up to 72 so U can get wings. and fyi, insulting people that are offering some advice isnt going to help ur case. maybe u shouldnt be on this website if ur gonna be that big of a dick.
what you need to do is level engineering untill you get Tazic Shocker and have your priest do the same. then you build up holy switch to priest shield slam and double tazic like me and my disc priest do. then lol at the mage and watch it quit out
KinKami said:
what you need to do is level engineering untill you get Tazic Shocker and have your priest do the same. then you build up holy switch to priest shield slam and double tazic like me and my disc priest do. then lol at the mage and watch it quit out

yeah because you need double tazik to win against any mage/priest for sure................
either its a skill factor or i think prot is just a hpally i have soloed many a prot pally. its hilarious and just focus the priest dont let her mana burn u, thats the only trouble i have with priest/anything
bahahah, no there is no way you can win. it's not possible. Equally skilled players it's simply not possible. melee with shit damage vs caster with best cc and damage at 70... think about it. Mage will never ever ever go oom. your priest will healing your sorry ass though. not to mention the mana burns he will take while he's deep frozen in the middle of the arena. ;/ hit 72 pop wings as ret k go or roll holy have your priest go shadow and shit on them
guess ur only shot wouzld be stack the Mage and priest then avengers zshield their ass to silence em both and hope for crits

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