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  1. Tazik Shocker

    So I leveled eng on my gnome rogue 6 times and never got tazik. Then I leveled it the first time on my human mage and BAM Tazik. RNG FTW
  2. herald of the titans kitty BiS

    I did, I just didnt know how good it was haha
  3. herald of the titans kitty BiS

    I was looking around for a chardev of feral dps BiS for a herald of the titans run and I wasnt having any luck. does anyone know of one or could make one and post it? Pref with hit/exp caps then focusing on mastery.
  4. mongoose vs berserking

    Can someone do the math between these. I thought that mongoose was superior in sub spec but I was testing it today and I was only getting like 300 Ap or something
  5. gladiator question

    ya I wasnt intending to do it on my main twink. was planning on leveling a second rogue to 85 anyways, so I was thinking of stopping at 70, gearing up and pushing for glad range then have the whole team power lvl to 85
  6. gladiator question

    lol im on US hahah :p and id asume anytime b4 the end of the season
  7. gladiator question

    Is it possible to get ur team within gladiator range then powerlvl to 85 and get glad? Was just curious if u could.
  8. Looking for 70s that want to RBG....

    aww damn that sucks
  9. Looking for 70s that want to RBG....

    tbh i hope u are on US, would be interested in taking u on :P
  10. Looking for 70s that want to RBG....

    wait did u really move to canada camael? what server u on or u still on EU
  11. Expertise @ 70 Arms Warrior

    if u can find gear with it on it take it. but ur gonna have a hard enough time killing certain classes even with gemming pure str. Stick with pure str in all sockets. make sure u are hit capped at 5% tho.
  12. Trials and Tribulations of Tazik Shocker

    releveled eng for a second time few days ago, ended up with synapse. decided to stick with that. only took me about 2.5k on my server. shit must have been really cheap cuz the last time I did, it was closer to 5k
  13. Rogue FC

    I made a chardev with stam/resil gems. ended up with 18k with 400ish resil, plus im a gnome so I can only use one because i need medallion in the other slot
  14. Rogue FC

    lol im not trying to do this with any seriousness. I just want some shits and giggles when i que into a random WSG, plus im not actually replacing my sub gear. just farming up an entirely different set to gem and enchant for this lol
  15. Trials and Tribulations of Tazik Shocker

    random and OT, camael go read my newer thread. want ur opinion @shar, stop trolling and derailing the thread.
  16. Rogue FC

    I've been thinking of making a FC set for my rogue for shits and giggles in normal bg's. Was thinking mostly full pvp gear while gemming stam/resil gems. resil for obvious reasons and stam for higher recup ticks. Or would gemming full resil instead be best? Curious what u guys think Edit...
  17. Rbg help

    ah ya fair enough
  18. Hi! Also question inside :)

    and this 10char
  19. Rbg help

    thats true. but wouldn't rogues be more helpful going after enemy FC ect?
  20. Prot Pally/Disc Priest vs. Frost Mage/Disc Priest

    no u just need to be good.