Rogue FC


I've been thinking of making a FC set for my rogue for shits and giggles in normal bg's. Was thinking mostly full pvp gear while gemming stam/resil gems. resil for obvious reasons and stam for higher recup ticks. Or would gemming full resil instead be best? Curious what u guys think

Edit. Also would mut spec be better for this? for quickening and deadened nerves?
i'd go sub for preperation, cheat death and shadowdance for some stunlocks or combat for improved sprint, deadly throw silence and improved recup.
I think your safest bet for gearing/spec'n options would be to queue with 4 healers...

not to be a sarcastic ass but most of a rogues survivability comes with it's mobility and monkeying around in the shadows. Obviously they can make for sneaky fc's but vs any decent pug they might throw at you, you'll prob end up wishing you had all your agil back and stare down your revenge target
lol im not trying to do this with any seriousness. I just want some shits and giggles when i que into a random WSG, plus im not actually replacing my sub gear. just farming up an entirely different set to gem and enchant for this lol
id say stam gems in brutal gear would b better, w/ both stam eng trinks, because in xp on bgs there are still frost mages, so i think higher stam with moderate resil would be good, because if you get a few ppl on you, 12k,, with 700 resil won't do much, but 18-20k w/ 200 resil would b better.
I made a chardev with stam/resil gems. ended up with 18k with 400ish resil, plus im a gnome so I can only use one because i need medallion in the other slot

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