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  1. How do you deal with hunters?

    This is good information. Rogues that can play well are difficult to beat as a hunter, even with a 4 level advantage over them. I've gone up against Medanx and he tends to be very sticky. Crippling poison is powerful and without CDs, I'm not going anywhere. It's probably the most frustrating...
  2. Hunters lol

    WTH? I'm rolling a 39. How can anybody pass up carebears?
  3. Hunters lol

    Sometimes people do need to learn the hard way. As Marks, they've already set themselves up to learn the hard way. Just step back and watch their frustration as they're beaten on my the opposing survival/BM hunters. They've really dug their own grave already. I only roll horde. I'll say...
  4. Hunters lol

    And that's the real kicker... Survival IS the superior spec. It doesn't have the massive 1 hit damage that marks has, but you can get off your moves more effectively and you can work better under pressure. Aimed shot is only good when you can sit there and wait for a cast bar. It can be...
  5. Hunters lol

    I appreciate that, truly. I worked hard on my 29 paladin and I'd love to play again in the 29s. You do need a thick skin, no doubt. On another note, I don't think you can ever really ban anything effectively. It's really up to the player to contribute to the field by doing their part to...
  6. Hunters lol

    I play the hunter class because I like the mechanics. Sure I enjoy the power, but who doesn't? While I can sympathize, much like you can, as to why they're behaving in such a destructive way, that isn't an excuse for them to actually do it. Those who complain about hunters destroying the...
  7. Hunters lol

    I gave up with my hunter for the bracket a few months ago. First time I logged into the BG with my hunter (as survival no less) I was whispered, "Don't use aim shot, no heals for you". I whisper the guy back saying I'm not even marks, but he wasn't going to talk to me any more. The spitting...
  8. Show your 24s.

    That's exactly the kind of attitude that's needed. There's zero hostility and it puts focus on looking for solutions, not being nasty and hoping people throw their hands up and walk away. On another note... It's getting worse in BGs. I'm calling on the administration for to...
  9. Show your 24s.

    What I know is there's hate being spread here. It might not be on purpose, but it's definitely happening. I was just in a battleground (WSG) with Igork and Origin (but with a funny "i" before the "n"). They all but threw the battleground and did nothing but insult and call the 24s as many...
  10. Show your 24s.

    I stood back and took a good hard look at what you're saying. You have some very good points and good concerns, but I think the attitude is perhaps going a bit south from where it should be. Perhaps you're doing as much to damage the bracket as the people rolling 24s. You're asking that 24s...
  11. killing the bracket before its even alive

    True enough, but interestingly, the 20-24 bracket is very much alive. So long as people have ants in their pants and a score to settle, the blood will fly and people will be happy.
  12. How to get Sea Turtle on your Twink!

    I can confirm you can get it and use it on a 29. Just got it on my 29 Paladin a few nights back in the same place recommended in this thread. I've fished up 3 of them now from that very place on various toons. Works just like it does on my high level characters. I got the flight points...
  13. 29 retadin still useful?

    I've been working on pretty much the same thing. Here's what I have so far... 29 Twink Ret Here's what I think would work out best overall.... Planned Set Only problem with WoWhead is it doesn't give the proper stats on the BoA gear. 19 Hit rating for the set makes it...