Hunters lol

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rubikz said:
i can't believe aimed shot is actually banned in this bracket since 3s casts are really situational and survival is a better spec anyway

yeah because this is something completely unique to our bracket and 39's was nothing but peaches and rainbows with carebears all around
Fcftw said:
yeah because this is something completely unique to our bracket and 39's was nothing but peaches and rainbows with carebears all around

WTH? I'm rolling a 39. How can anybody pass up carebears?
Fcftw said:
yeah because this is something completely unique to our bracket and 39's was nothing but peaches and rainbows with carebears all around

you're right, i don't support AS ban in 39s either for the same reasons (even though this is completely irrelevant to the 29s AS ban)

i don't get your point
rubikz said:
i don't get your point

He didn't really have one, or at least one that is relevant to the discussion at hand. He was simply generalizing you and all 39 players as a whole. His reasoning was the following:

1. 39s banned aimed shot

2. You are a former 39

3. Therefore why would you support the ban at 39s but not at 29s.

His mistake was assuming that you were in favour of the ban at 39s. His other mistake was assuming that 39s were in any way relevant to the discussion at hand.
HoolioGonzalez said:
He didn't really have one, or at least one that is relevant to the discussion at hand. He was simply generalizing you and all 39 players as a whole. His reasoning was the following:

1. 39s banned aimed shot

2. You are a former 39

3. Therefore why would you support the ban at 39s but not at 29s.

His mistake was assuming that you were in favour of the ban at 39s. His other mistake was assuming that 39s were in any way relevant to the discussion at hand.

wat i believe it all boils down to is he likes to complain about hunters
I think it's more than safe to assume that people like to complain about anything that presents a greater challenge than they expect.

Goomphy - I agree 100% with what you're saying. I have tried for the last few months to get that message across to others in this bracket, and I have been met with insults and accusations of trolling. In my eyes, there is no room for hate in this game. It does not breed compliance and it certainly does not breed a better community for everyone.

There are people here in this community that will flat out quit playing if the general consensus is to treat others poorly based on class choice, you're not the only person that has chosen not to play the bracket because of it.

Everyone else - How many people do you guys think have decided not to play this bracket because of the hate/negativity towards others in general? If there are ~40 people actively playing on any given night, just one person deciding not to queue makes up 4% of the community. If we're talking about someone new, that's 4% growth we won't see.

I assume that everyone in this bracket is here because they want the community to exist, to prosper, and games to happen with increasing quality and frequency. These things all take growth within the bracket to accomplish, and you're not going to have positive growth while negative behaviors and attitudes persist.

It's true that some people will be douche bags despite how nice you are to them, and in those rare cases being nice isn't the correct solution. However, you need to treat those on a case by case basis, and expect being nice the rest of the time to yield the positive results you want.

Look at Kow and Amy for example. Two players that showed up, brand new to the bracket, opting to roll healers. No one offered to give them pointers (in a positive manner) when they saw them performing inadequately. No one stopped to appreciate the fact that they were there and treat them with the respect and dignity that everyone deserves.

So what happened? The negativity ensued from many people, Kow and Amy went on the defensive, and instead of taking their ball and going home, they stuck around just to retaliate out of spite. I'm not saying their actions were appropriate, but I won't say that the people who provoked them didn't deserve it.

If we had just treated them with respect and dignity to begin with, we could have avoided the whole thing.
cant beleive i read that wall of text:p. i missed out on the aimed shot ban for 39's becuase i wasnt playing then i guess. back during lk when i played a hunter at 39 everyone spec'd aimed shot for the healing debuff. so far it seems rolling my first 29 as alliance was the smart thing since most of the drama is horde side.
Willyshatner said:
I think it's more than safe to assume that people like to complain about anything that presents a greater challenge than they expect.

Goomphy - I agree 100% with what you're saying. I have tried for the last few months to get that message across to others in this bracket, and I have been met with insults and accusations of trolling. In my eyes, there is no room for hate in this game. It does not breed compliance and it certainly does not breed a better community for everyone.

There are people here in this community that will flat out quit playing if the general consensus is to treat others poorly based on class choice, you're not the only person that has chosen not to play the bracket because of it.

Everyone else - How many people do you guys think have decided not to play this bracket because of the hate/negativity towards others in general? If there are ~40 people actively playing on any given night, just one person deciding not to queue makes up 4% of the community. If we're talking about someone new, that's 4% growth we won't see.

I assume that everyone in this bracket is here because they want the community to exist, to prosper, and games to happen with increasing quality and frequency. These things all take growth within the bracket to accomplish, and you're not going to have positive growth while negative behaviors and attitudes persist.

It's true that some people will be douche bags despite how nice you are to them, and in those rare cases being nice isn't the correct solution. However, you need to treat those on a case by case basis, and expect being nice the rest of the time to yield the positive results you want.

Look at Kow and Amy for example. Two players that showed up, brand new to the bracket, opting to roll healers. No one offered to give them pointers (in a positive manner) when they saw them performing inadequately. No one stopped to appreciate the fact that they were there and treat them with the respect and dignity that everyone deserves.

So what happened? The negativity ensued from many people, Kow and Amy went on the defensive, and instead of taking their ball and going home, they stuck around just to retaliate out of spite. I'm not saying their actions were appropriate, but I won't say that the people who provoked them didn't deserve it.

If we had just treated them with respect and dignity to begin with, we could have avoided the whole thing.

I made my ret pally months and months ago and was told that rets were suddenly frowned upon much the same way hunters were. I just decided to not play and to basically troll as much as possible in 29 threads just because of how I was initially treated. Over time I mellowed out and decided to play my ret anyway because I really didn't care. I can honestly say I've seen hardly any ret paladins on horde in the few weeks I've been playing.
roudy said:
cant beleive i read that wall of text:p. i missed out on the aimed shot ban for 39's becuase i wasnt playing then i guess. back during lk when i played a hunter at 39 everyone spec'd aimed shot for the healing debuff. so far it seems rolling my first 29 as alliance was the smart thing since most of the drama is horde side.

That reminded me. I forgot to mention that AS no longer gives the healing debuff. I was going to respond with that to Daydra's earlier post. Now days, it isn't providing a little more oomph to burst because of a debuff. It's just straight up damage now. I also have to mention that the attitude towards hunters at 39 was drastically different. People just understood that too many was a bad thing and people were a lot more active about not playing too many of a particular class. If we saw too many priests one game, someone would roll a different class. If we saw too many rogues one game, someone would roll a different class. In the games I played, hunters weren't ever represented in large numbers. At most there was 1-2 per side and sometimes there weren't any at all. I remember those games especially because people would ask for them specifically for FC defense. If a team didn't have a hunter, it was almost a guarantee that the FC was going to have problems.
Willy many people, not just me and nasty, find games with more than 2 hunters to be seriously lacking in the fun department. Alliance already has 3 active hunters, when it hits four on alliance side yes we can beat them the problem is games are 25 minutes of frustration followed by 30 seconds of elation before you get right back into a game with 2-4 hunters, and that is not fun. When games like Thursday night's become the norm this bracket will die.

Why do i think that hunters can kill this bracket?

Because i have seen it over and over and over again, and every time it's left to the hardcore 29's who don't play hunters on a regular basis if at all to pick up the pieces and start over.
until i quit during wrath my main and my main twink (39) were both hunters, the only reason i didnt roll one this time is becuase i hate the change to focus and there scaling is broke. i agree you should try to get new people to roll something other then a hunter but raging about it on the forums is not only going to scare people away from your bracket its going to attract people who like drama and dont mind rolling an overpowered fotm class just to make people cry.
Franchi said:
Willy many people, not just me and nasty, find games with more than 2 hunters to be seriously lacking in the fun department. Alliance already has 3 active hunters, when it hits four on alliance side yes we can beat them the problem is games are 25 minutes of frustration followed by 30 seconds of elation before you get right back into a game with 2-4 hunters, and that is not fun. When games like sunday night's become the norm this bracket will die.

Why do i think that hunters can kill this bracket?

Because i have seen it over and over and over again, and every time it's left to the hardcore 29's who don't play hunters on a regular basis if at all to pick up the pieces and start over.

if you don't want to get frustrated, then don't queue.

something is either horribly wrong with you or with 29s, because the presence of 2-3 hunters occasionally in games has never "killed" any other bracket

you seem to have a hard time getting over your pre-determined opinions (read: willy is ALWAYS trolling, no matter what)
Willyshatner said:
I think it's more than safe to assume that people like to complain about anything that presents a greater challenge than they expect.

Goomphy - I agree 100% with what you're saying. I have tried for the last few months to get that message across to others in this bracket, and I have been met with insults and accusations of trolling. In my eyes, there is no room for hate in this game. It does not breed compliance and it certainly does not breed a better community for everyone.

There are people here in this community that will flat out quit playing if the general consensus is to treat others poorly based on class choice, you're not the only person that has chosen not to play the bracket because of it.

Everyone else - How many people do you guys think have decided not to play this bracket because of the hate/negativity towards others in general? If there are ~40 people actively playing on any given night, just one person deciding not to queue makes up 4% of the community. If we're talking about someone new, that's 4% growth we won't see.

I assume that everyone in this bracket is here because they want the community to exist, to prosper, and games to happen with increasing quality and frequency. These things all take growth within the bracket to accomplish, and you're not going to have positive growth while negative behaviors and attitudes persist.

It's true that some people will be douche bags despite how nice you are to them, and in those rare cases being nice isn't the correct solution. However, you need to treat those on a case by case basis, and expect being nice the rest of the time to yield the positive results you want.

Look at Kow and Amy for example. Two players that showed up, brand new to the bracket, opting to roll healers. No one offered to give them pointers (in a positive manner) when they saw them performing inadequately. No one stopped to appreciate the fact that they were there and treat them with the respect and dignity that everyone deserves.

So what happened? The negativity ensued from many people, Kow and Amy went on the defensive, and instead of taking their ball and going home, they stuck around just to retaliate out of spite. I'm not saying their actions were appropriate, but I won't say that the people who provoked them didn't deserve it.

If we had just treated them with respect and dignity to begin with, we could have avoided the whole thing.

Everyone alse?

Its a small portion of the community that feels so strongly one way or the other that you seem to be addressing. Generalizing it so severely, paints the picture of an angry mob waiting to greet people in que. That is hardly the case. I can name 30 people who simply couldn't care less about half of the "issues" be they genuine or created. They show up week after week to enjoy hanging out with friends. Perhaps they should post more on the forums so that potential players don't get the wrong idea. Perhaps people can be more mindul of thier posts and replies in general.

Many of the ones that you are actually addressing are often times just as instigated for reactions . There are legit concerns within many of the comments and there has been attempts to have civil discussions. Instead of being encouraged to use that approach, I've seen them be trolled in anticipation of pushing just that right button.

We do need to do a better job of being a community but the fault does not simply lie on a bunch of bad guys lurking bgs stiring up trouble. It would be amazing to see people recognize building frusterations in que and make greater attempts to diffuse it rather than not only letting it escalate, but participating in forcing it to. There needs to be a chill pill passed around not just to the obvious but to the not so obvious.
rubikz said:
if you don't want to get frustrated, then don't queue.

something is either horribly wrong with you or with 29s, because the presence of 2-3 hunters occasionally in games has never "killed" any other bracket

Reading comperhension.......1


err maybe not i just realized i had referred to sunday, and the sunday games were good. I was trying to say the night were we had 3-4 hunters with there entire team sitting in mid for several games, we won, but the games were still lame, sunday games were rather fun, tho the side that lost seemed to be determined by who had the most under geared and not in vent and that gets annoying when the other side is offering good competition.

you seem to have a hard time getting over your pre-determined opinions (read: willy is ALWAYS trolling, no matter what)

Hmm cause like i didn't just respond to willy with a valid point.

Until he admits to his past actions he is in my opinion dishonest and I will continue to refer to him as a troll whenever i feel like it.
rubikz said:
if you don't want to get frustrated, then don't queue.

something is either horribly wrong with you or with 29s, because the presence of 2-3 hunters occasionally in games has never "killed" any other bracket

you seem to have a hard time getting over your pre-determined opinions (read: willy is ALWAYS trolling, no matter what)

That'll be addressed.

On franchis comment, I think as long as we watch the counter hunter with hunter thing, there won't be any problems. He is looking at a worst case scenario rather than the current state as some tend to do is all. So far it hasn't grown into an issue. Kudos to the guys with hunters keeping them parked or rotating thier play with them.

That said I am actually seeking out a nice rogue or 2 maybe a ret pally to help it feel like there is a greater balance to the games without moar hunters.
Franchi said:

Reading comperhension.......1


Hmm cause like i didn't just respond to willy with a valid point.

Until he admits to his past actions he is in my opinion dishonest and I will continue to refer to him as a troll whenever i feel like it.

lol >.< I get the image of a kid with his hand in a cookie jar when mom walks in when I think about that situation.....

Anyways not every post is a troll. Most of the comments are fair enough and have validity to what we are talking about.
Daydra said:
lol >.< I get the image of a kid with his hand in a cookie jar when mom walks in when I think about that situation.....

And when you as the kid admit what you were doing you get maybe one opened handed spank, on the other hand deny it and moms gonna use the wooden spoon until it breaks.
So I almost joined the 29 bracket twice in the last two years, had toons in the mid twenties, even xferred one to Dmaw (a shaman with full heirlooms and everything) but stopped without joining twice because of how poorly the community represented itself. The first time was when Detox was playing and a few of them were just acting like total dingus' on the forums and everyone else was just shouting "troll! troll! crutch on hunter! blah blah blah..."

I opted to pass at that time.

The second time was when Meed was putting together his stat tracking addon and there was a huge argument going on about whether people should roll multiple toons on each faction to help balance games out. Much name calling ensued, and even with my shaman on dragonmaw I decided, "Forget it, this bracket seems like a drama filled headache."

A year and change later it seems like things have calmed down and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves much more. Vets with names I recognize from lurking in days gone by have done a remarkable job keeping this bracket afloat, and compared to what I remember from the past the 29 scene is doing quiet well.

Gorrila log in on d maw alliance or horde if your lvl 22 i can chain run you to 29 5-10 minutes per run, then get you all your gear.

i'm on a horde in lost the batteries atm.
Dorigon said:
wat i believe it all boils down to is he likes to complain about hunters

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried... I have never once complained about a single player playing a hunter, ffs I play my hunter as often as I can, but I HAVE complained about multiple hunters in the same game or a player playing their hunter when they know there are already other hunters in q for their faction, I played my hunter last game night for multiple games for the first time in a long time and then second a guildie hunter logged on I switched to my druid, but I guess that because.. you know... I have common sense and decency

edit for grammar posting on phone from work ftl
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