Hunters lol

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Fcftw said:
@Franchi- I never can control myself

I have this problem

I just can't hold back the sexist offensive stalkerish comments somtimes.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't kill me I'm a nice human ninja/pirate I swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and hi pimps0n! I am quite swell kind sir and yourself?

and hi everyone else!

Feuersbrunst 2.0 is almost complete!
he leveled it killing a rare spawn outside gurubashi for me that happens to have a chance to drop +11 stam boots ive been looking for... yeah he had his xp on rofl!
Daydra said:
I don't like how ppl respond to a single game of the night being heavy on a certain class. I'd much rather wait till the next PUG game and see if the amount of people in que is great enough to shift the weight around. We are not doing 10 v 10's and we do need bodies in que. It's great if they are not hunters but it should also be fine if the hunters have alternate toons to play IF it does seem hunter heavy in a specific game or evening.

I think the complaining and/or attitudes that fly around at times really scare off players that are looking to have fun(no not just hunters but players in general) The greater number of people in que will drastically toss up how the pug games go for the night.

I agree 100%.
Ohai said:
these two garbage healers not healing, reporting posts, and reporting things said to them in game for no real reason other than to be a pain in our collective asses.

I hope this was posted before your apology or these "garbage healers" won't be inclined to heal you in future games. It was made very clear why people were reported and why people did not receive heals. Also, it's it's ironic that some people were upset to not receive heals from "garbage healers", since this indicates believing otherwise.

No one is looking for best friends or receive an ass kissing, but for people to be civil. It should be clear now that negative behavior results in a negative response. Anyone who doesn't get this by now has serious cognitive problems.

Like last night, people kept negative comments out of chat and things went much more smoothly.
Last night was my first night in the 29s since pre 3.1, and I have to say none of the hunters I played with seemed all that effective, atleast goal-wise. In fact in one game there were two hunters per faction, and all four spent the entire game farming eachother midfield. The burst in this bracket is pretty tremendous, so FFing effective hunters seems like a reasonable solution.
I gave up with my hunter for the bracket a few months ago. First time I logged into the BG with my hunter (as survival no less) I was whispered, "Don't use aim shot, no heals for you". I whisper the guy back saying I'm not even marks, but he wasn't going to talk to me any more. The spitting on, the hate, blah.... They other team spent the BG with the kill on sight idea stuck in their heads, so screw it... The next BG I logged in with my FC Prot Paladin. First thing people did was to complain Horde never has hunters. I've been playing 20-24s since. Screw the 29 bracket, too much hate and I twink for fun.
Much of the hate is from not wanting a repeat of a very disturbing time in the bracket where seeing 7 hunters PER SIDE became common place. Which shockingly sent the bracket to a dead halt.... Some of the attempts at preventing a repeat are most definately too extreme but to understand the hunter class and the potential harm it can do to the bracket enmasse is to understand some of where the extremists are coming from.

While I don't always agree with the approaches I can sympathize with where they come from. By playing a hunter consistently in bg's when others are queing is to pretty much be saying I'm only here to faceroll and don't care about the quality of the game I'm in.

It is far too easy to level and gear a 29 toon anymore for hunters to not have an alternate class to hop onto if they notice balance issues in game. There really aren't many excuses for not making some efforts to mix it up in what you que on.

Lost the batteries has an open invite to any hunter looking to make an alternate toon. We would assist on gear chants and runs. I hope to see that offer taken advantage of.
Oknobpolisher said:
I hope this was posted before your apology or these "garbage healers" won't be inclined to heal you in future games. It was made very clear why people were reported and why people did not receive heals. Also, it's it's ironic that some people were upset to not receive heals from "garbage healers", since this indicates believing otherwise.

No one is looking for best friends or receive an ass kissing, but for people to be civil. It should be clear now that negative behavior results in a negative response. Anyone who doesn't get this by now has serious cognitive problems.

Like last night, people kept negative comments out of chat and things went much more smoothly.

I have no idea which post came first, but I stand by the point I made of today's drama and trolling being far weaker than the Falarus/Mong/Huargo/Lloyd/Detox/whoeverelse days.
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