Hunters lol

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Daydra said:
Much of the hate is from not wanting a repeat of a very disturbing time in the bracket where seeing 7 hunters PER SIDE became common place. Which shockingly sent the bracket to a dead halt.... Some of the attempts at preventing a repeat are most definately too extreme but to understand the hunter class and the potential harm it can do to the bracket enmasse is to understand some of where the extremists are coming from.

While I don't always agree with the approaches I can sympathize with where they come from. By playing a hunter consistently in bg's when others are queing is to pretty much be saying I'm only here to faceroll and don't care about the quality of the game I'm in.

It is far too easy to level and gear a 29 toon anymore for hunters to not have an alternate class to hop onto if they notice balance issues in game. There really aren't many excuses for not making some efforts to mix it up in what you que on.

Lost the batteries has an open invite to any hunter looking to make an alternate toon. We would assist on gear chants and runs. I hope to see that offer taken advantage of.

I play the hunter class because I like the mechanics. Sure I enjoy the power, but who doesn't? While I can sympathize, much like you can, as to why they're behaving in such a destructive way, that isn't an excuse for them to actually do it. Those who complain about hunters destroying the bracket do more to destroy the bracket than the hunters themselves. I have two 29 twinks. Hunter and Prot Pally. My plan was to use whichever was more needed on any particular night and I really wanted to contribute to the community as I enjoy the level so much. What the people need to understand... Those giving the angry little whispers then not healing... Those spitting and playing the KOS game.... YOU are the greater cause of the bracket being destroyed, NOT the people playing hunters... Look... If people want to cut back on hunters being used, you can't go about it destructively or with threats... If you're in a BG with somebody, you should not only show them respect, but give them your full support. If you treat people with kindness and courtesy, that's community BUILDING. What's being done now is DESTRUCTIVE to the community. The best of intentions, the crappiest of results.

I would have been happy to play my paladin more often than not, but I really don't want to be around people who are so intent on ruining the game for others. It's really that simple. At least in the 20-24 BG people aren't so tainted by the hate mongering that has perpetuated to such an extent because of the well intended people here. I'll compromise.... I'll play on my pally.... I'll do what I can to contribute.... But I won't be around people who ruin the game for others. I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say that. Read and reread... "THE ENDS DO NOT JUSTIFY THE MEANS"
Which is why I don't come right out and say I want all hunters gone from the bracket. Playing a healer, I personally enjoy the challenge a hunter brings into a game for me to heal against.

Lets face it though some hunters are simply around to grief too. Picking and choosing which are which is not as complicated as some people make it out to be. Nastay/Donteventri opts to play a mage 99% of the time because he is aware of just how much his hunter can tilt a game. Fcftw opts to bring out his hunter when horde is completely lacking dps but is quick to hop on his pally or druid if another hunter hops on. The dh guy with the R name Rubicks? (sry I fail) seems to have come over simply to play objectively inspite of an onslaught of qq's, igoturpanties(<3) opts to play only a hunter one shotting clothies, camping gy's and lol /spit spamming. Is it tough to tell which ones to ease up off of the harassment of?

I don't think all hunters are bad nor do I want all hunters eliminated from the bracket. I only want people to have and be willing to hop on an alternate toon using common sense on when to do so or to /gasp afk a game because they made it into a 1 too many hunterfest bg.(consider it a downside to opting to roll hunter?)

How to get the ones that whisper, rage, quit queing come to agree with that concept, I'm not sure yet. I doubt its even my place to do so. What I can do is be inviting to others in the bracket regardless of the class they play and try to find a way to just have fun depending on what sort of pop I get. Sometimes all that gets me by is the amusement I get from my guildies and sometimes from randomness in vent. Hopefully by doing that those that are turned off by some of what goes on will weigh it against the good sides too!

The bracket is a good bracket with good people in it, you need to have thick skin sometimes because you may get called bad, you may get called out, you may not always love each game you get into or every person you play with.

I still agree with that AS ban and think it was a big step in making the bracket as a whole better. I still say more than 3 hunters in a game makes the game far less enjoyable for the other 17 people queing.(I wouldn't want a free ride to a win on the back of an op class) I also say I can see where you are coming from that we cut off our nose to spite our face in regards to running players off before ever working it out.

Thanks for your openess on it :)
i can't believe people actually care about getting emoted

i can't believe the people that do care complain about it on a forum instead of using /ignore function

i can't believe aimed shot is actually banned in this bracket since 3s casts are really situational and survival is a better spec anyway

i can't believe it's not butter
AS, cast timer or not, is still rediculous at these levels. It's not just a debuff to the advantage of the hunter but to every person beating on that person. How do you counter that as the team with no hunter? Don't let him get it off? Good in theory but not always in execution. An AS debuff on an fc with the burst damage already here seems crazy to me. As far as I was aware the singular ability of AS was banned to this day and I think rightfully so. The available health pool is already shaky against the burst damage some classes put out. Take away a good chunk of the incoming heals and eww. Survival is better anyways.
When you guys are controlling mid, it's insanely easy to stand somewhere and crit someone for 2k. I've been crit for over 1k on my 19 mage with AS (with a rogue sapping me first so I was stuck there). MM talents at this level for the most part suck so survival is definitely better. At least I can stack fire resist like a boss and explosive shot does less damage =/

edit: what I mean is AS on a healer is an extreme amount of burst that they likely won't be able to heal through. It's kinda not fun to be able to instagib someone with a single attack regardless of how risky it is to use and how likely it is to fail for whatever reason. it was probably worse when it was instant and 50% healing debuff but it's still bad, especially if there are more than one hunter in the game using it. though i honestly wouldn't be opposed to someone speccing MM for silencing shot and just arcane spamming people. =P
Survival is better anyways.

this is why it doesn't actually make sense to ban aimed shot

3x explosive shot lock and load is more burst, more sustained damage, DOT, and easy to get off. aimed shot honestly looks pretty awful in comparison
allahkazam said:
it's insanely easy to stand somewhere and crit someone for 2k.

I've been crit for over 1k on my 19 mage with AS (with a rogue sapping me first so I was stuck there).

this is why i really don't understand why you post sometimes
rubikz said:
this is why it doesn't actually make sense to ban aimed shot

3x explosive shot lock and load is more burst, more sustained damage, DOT, and easy to get off. aimed shot honestly looks pretty awful in comparison

Doesn't mean a select few won't roll with it. What's the harm in retaining the ban? Not that I'm going to stand still for it to be cast on me but I can see situationally still some issues with it.
if you retain the ban, everyone is going to roll as survival (which is actually the superior spec)

you're right though, that it doesn't matter because people in this bracket are going to ***** about everything regardless
rubikz said:
if you retain the ban, everyone is going to roll as survival (which is actually the superior spec)

though you're right that it doesn't matter because people in this bracket are going to ***** about just about everything regardless

Hope I'm not coming across that way >.< I don't really care outside of thinking the ban's not a bad thing. I was just curious about your pov on keeping the ban in place being silly to do(aside from the obvious, changes that made it a bit less intolerable).
Daydra said:
Which is why I don't come right out and say I want all hunters gone from the bracket. Playing a healer, I personally enjoy the challenge a hunter brings into a game for me to heal against.

Lets face it though some hunters are simply around to grief too. Picking and choosing which are which is not as complicated as some people make it out to be. Nastay/Donteventri opts to play a mage 99% of the time because he is aware of just how much his hunter can tilt a game. Fcftw opts to bring out his hunter when horde is completely lacking dps but is quick to hop on his pally or druid if another hunter hops on. The dh guy with the R name Rubicks? (sry I fail) seems to have come over simply to play objectively inspite of an onslaught of qq's, igoturpanties(<3) opts to play only a hunter one shotting clothies, camping gy's and lol /spit spamming. Is it tough to tell which ones to ease up off of the harassment of?

I don't think all hunters are bad nor do I want all hunters eliminated from the bracket. I only want people to have and be willing to hop on an alternate toon using common sense on when to do so or to /gasp afk a game because they made it into a 1 too many hunterfest bg.(consider it a downside to opting to roll hunter?)

How to get the ones that whisper, rage, quit queing come to agree with that concept, I'm not sure yet. I doubt its even my place to do so. What I can do is be inviting to others in the bracket regardless of the class they play and try to find a way to just have fun depending on what sort of pop I get. Sometimes all that gets me by is the amusement I get from my guildies and sometimes from randomness in vent. Hopefully by doing that those that are turned off by some of what goes on will weigh it against the good sides too!

The bracket is a good bracket with good people in it, you need to have thick skin sometimes because you may get called bad, you may get called out, you may not always love each game you get into or every person you play with.

I still agree with that AS ban and think it was a big step in making the bracket as a whole better. I still say more than 3 hunters in a game makes the game far less enjoyable for the other 17 people queing.(I wouldn't want a free ride to a win on the back of an op class) I also say I can see where you are coming from that we cut off our nose to spite our face in regards to running players off before ever working it out.

Thanks for your openess on it :)

I appreciate that, truly. I worked hard on my 29 paladin and I'd love to play again in the 29s. You do need a thick skin, no doubt.

On another note, I don't think you can ever really ban anything effectively. It's really up to the player to contribute to the field by doing their part to help balance what is otherwise a balancing disaster on Blizzard's part. If I were to be told, "We're banning your character as you've made it. You're an outcast now and you'll get no help from us." I'd be resentful and I wouldn't really care what the underlying reason was behind it. On the other hand, if I were to be told "We're asking players, in the spirit of good competition, to stay away from the aimed shot spec. Would you mind trying out a different spec for your hunter? It would really help. Thanks." I'd do it in a heartbeat. I think people want to make their game more enjoyable but I think the approach being taken to make that a reality is what's making people more resentful and less cooperative. If the approach is changed, I think the results will be too. Simply, if you want people to be respectful to the community, the community should show them the same respect they're asking for.

Something else that goes through people's minds I'm sure... "Who the hell are they to dictate to me how to play? It's Blizzard's game... What gives them the right?" Simply, this IS Blizzard's game. We don't have any right to be telling people what to do. I'm not sure where people got the idea they were justified in doing what they're doing, but things get done in this game by cooperating, not by trying to control somebody else. If you ask somebody for help, they are often happy to give it. If you tell them what to do, and if they don't, you'll screw them in the game any way you can... They're likely to give you the finger.

I'll test the waters again in the 29 bracket. Maybe it's worth coming back to after all. Especially if the general attitude is changing for the better.

Goomphy said:
I appreciate that, truly. I worked hard on my 29 paladin and I'd love to play again in the 29s. You do need a thick skin, no doubt.

On another note, I don't think you can ever really ban anything effectively. It's really up to the player to contribute to the field by doing their part to help balance what is otherwise a balancing disaster on Blizzard's part. If I were to be told, "We're banning your character as you've made it. You're an outcast now and you'll get no help from us." I'd be resentful and I wouldn't really care what the underlying reason was behind it. On the other hand, if I were to be told "We're asking players, in the spirit of good competition, to stay away from the aimed shot spec. Would you mind trying out a different spec for your hunter? It would really help. Thanks." I'd do it in a heartbeat. I think people want to make their game more enjoyable but I think the approach being taken to make that a reality is what's making people more resentful and less cooperative. If the approach is changed, I think the results will be too. Simply, if you want people to be respectful to the community, the community should show them the same respect they're asking for.

Something else that goes through people's minds I'm sure... "Who the hell are they to dictate to me how to play? It's Blizzard's game... What gives them the right?" Simply, this IS Blizzard's game. We don't have any right to be telling people what to do. I'm not sure where people got the idea they were justified in doing what they're doing, but things get done in this game by cooperating, not by trying to control somebody else. If you ask somebody for help, they are often happy to give it. If you tell them what to do, and if they don't, you'll screw them in the game any way you can... They're likely to give you the finger.

I'll test the waters again in the 29 bracket. Maybe it's worth coming back to after all. Especially if the general attitude is changing for the better.


Lol I wouldn't say the attitude is changed so much as i can offer you ways to cope with it and say yes I recognize the need for some tweaks and will try to help along the way.

Also ya that approach works for some people like you and I, though I've also seen a few that were approached nicely buck up and still give people the finger. I hate to say it but I've seen a farmfest be effective as well in changing someones mind, though I am not personally into halting a game for that broohaha. So its a matter of response and reaction and individual. There is nothing you can do to change certain players much but you can certainly avoid the negative backsplash from it somewhat by not feeding into it when you recognize certain patterns.

If you decide to come back sometime make sure and say hi if you are horde side or hop down in vent channel between games if you que alliance. ;P
rubikz said:
if you retain the ban, everyone is going to roll as survival (which is actually the superior spec)

you're right though, that it doesn't matter because people in this bracket are going to ***** about everything regardless

And that's the real kicker... Survival IS the superior spec. It doesn't have the massive 1 hit damage that marks has, but you can get off your moves more effectively and you can work better under pressure. Aimed shot is only good when you can sit there and wait for a cast bar. It can be interrupted easily and it's not good for stick and move situations. A survival hunter should almost always be able to face-roll an aimed shot hunter one on one. I would think that rolling marks would make you more of a priority target anyways. If people know you're going to one shot them, they'll be watching for you, reporting you to their friends and you'll hate life. You become kill on sight not because the community hates you, but because they can't afford to let you live to get off a clever shot.

Why ban something when you can simply state the facts and likely change that player's mind by helping them improve their game? I know on my 24 hunter, I roll survival. I've come up against Aimed Shot hunters (also 24) and they've gone down pretty easily. Funny though, few BGs later I was facing them again, but this time they were survival. They learned quickly that I could easily interrupt their aimed shot. I'd do it at about 3/4 cast so they would have wasted all of that time putting no damage on me while I was pretty much destroying them. People learn. If you're close to them, you can just close the distance and their cast for Aimed Shot fails. Not like they can move while they're casting it. Run up, raptor em, trap em, face roll em. They do learn.
any good hunter is going to be impossible for me to kill 1vs1 no matter the spec so i dont much care what they spec into, it seems most of the mm hunters are bad enough to try and cast aimed shot as an opener and that usually allows me to get in a charge/rend/bloodthirst, survival hunters insta explosive shotting me actually makes me cry. i can remember when playing 39's your team pretty much needed you spec'd into aimed shot for the ms debuff.
Daydra said:
Lol I wouldn't say the attitude is changed so much as i can offer you ways to cope with it and say yes I recognize the need for some tweaks and will try to help along the way.

Also ya that approach works for some people like you and I, though I've also seen a few that were approached nicely buck up and still give people the finger. I hate to say it but I've seen a farmfest be effective as well in changing someones mind, though I am not personally into halting a game for that broohaha. So its a matter of response and reaction and individual. There is nothing you can do to change certain players much but you can certainly avoid the negative backsplash from it somewhat by not feeding into it when you recognize certain patterns.

If you decide to come back sometime make sure and say hi if you are horde side or hop down in vent channel between games if you que alliance. ;P

Sometimes people do need to learn the hard way. As Marks, they've already set themselves up to learn the hard way. Just step back and watch their frustration as they're beaten on my the opposing survival/BM hunters. They've really dug their own grave already.

I only roll horde. I'll say hello soon.
Goomphy said:
Sometimes people do need to learn the hard way. As Marks, they've already set themselves up to learn the hard way. Just step back and watch their frustration as they're beaten on my the opposing survival/BM hunters. They've really dug their own grave already.

I only roll horde. I'll say hello soon.

We que Tues/Thurs/Sun 9 eastern :) What server you on?
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