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  1. saxxon 19 twink rogue video

    omg very skill shadowstep before opener hehe focus kick omg???? plz tell me focus macro i wish i was so good )) you are master of rogue and you give tips to noobs ??? omg how kind maybe rirytih best rogue eu can lern from it
  2. Hello 4.1 :)

    but whats the matter if the rogue outsaps it? and if he fails to do that, he'll open when the weakened shield is at full anyways. Oh, k, you might get 2 sec less weakened shield if he is slow, but do you rly think that'll be gamebreaking?
  3. Hello 4.1 :)

    what? it was to get 10 chars, and typing 10 once wasnt enough, noob
  4. Hello 4.1 :)

    l2p 10 10 101 0110101010
  5. Hello 4.1 :)

    u've always been able to do that with a macro.
  6. Hello 4.1 :)

    why the fuck would you shield before opener? they dont have silience or stuns ergo you can cast the sec he opens, this is 19
  7. Anyone can tell me how to set Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.0 rendering?

    im not gonna say because then you will just post 85 pve video on twinkinfo
  8. 72 Ret pvp - pure ownage

    best video i have ever seen omg one shot in so high level??? NICE
  9. sub for sup

    suhr can witness nigga... but anyways, to quit this shit; winning a 19 1v1 doesnt make you good and losing one doesnt make you bad.
  10. sub for sup

    was that needed? )= i was eating when reading ffs fuck u noob cant even spam sinister strike the right way noob.... and as if 19 rvr indicated skill rofl... WHOS CIRCUMSIZED NOOB?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  11. Heroic 10M Omnotron Defense System w/ Hunter Commentary

    this guy is NOT a kid, he DOESNT look like a girl and he IS the type who makes forum better........ very cool guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we need more of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (to take the physical work pussy noob)
  12. Mamey 2vs2 arenas

    noob self noob lol you are noob... also, instead of binding it you could just go with macro /tar party1
  13. Heroic 10M Omnotron Defense System w/ Hunter Commentary

    omg sry u r level 10 twink? omg didnt see ffs i love level 10 twinks best bracket but how u can handle all 4 spells u have? level 10 FTW !!!!!!!!
  14. Heroic 10M Omnotron Defense System w/ Hunter Commentary

    mameys dick? im serious bro stop linking videos of your trash clicking 85 on a twink forums. also, i heard u link naked pics of urself on forums, those are OFC welcome even tho they're out of subject too. actually, could you pm me them? oh wait joke you are ugly as fuck i throw up, dont send...
  15. Heroic 10M Omnotron Defense System w/ Hunter Commentary

    why 85 on twinkinfo noob learn to forum noob....... pve noob
  16. sub for sup

    ryrith your terribad i remember 3-0 ur full geared ret patch 3.3.5 on ungeared priest, get gd stay 1800 scrub lol fucking horribad.
  17. sub for sup

    lol escuxe noob....... riryth is best get more dogde rateng noob----- verry good vedios memay!!!! love youmy girlfreind
  18. sub for sup

    riryth is better then u noob he can gogue noob rouge