72 Ret pvp - pure ownage


Check out my video I've made yesterday


Oneshotting people in Brutal gear ftw
cool bracket
About as pointless as 3 minute mages in Naxx gear back in Vanilla. Fun for the first few Bg`s, then tedious and pointless.

Expect to be berated endlessly, but I can see the appeal just for the "lulz".
"Teh lulz" is a point of the video. Because its just funny and pathetic a bit. People usually turn off exp on this bracket because they enjoy TBC content and they wanna pvp like in the old times. Everyone have a pvp gear, everything seems balanced, but then a ret appears and BOOM HEADSHOT! You have no idea what happened, why is your character lying on the ground and generally "omgwtfface".

It means that low level pvp is ruined due to the new, unbalanced skills. Even resilience cant fix it.

I remember that after many bgs like these hordies were really pissed off and they just wanted to kick my ass in group xD.
well hopefully that loser whos been posting in each bracket about what class is most OP. doesnt see this >< dont need more baddies. i miss the 70 bracket it was fun but the amount of players like the guy who posted this video just made it sad.

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