Hello 4.1 :)

Numbers are not nearly as important as the feel of the class. Get in game and test it out. Enjoy the stealth speed boots, makes me want to renew my sub.
124% is reserved for Druids and Rogues that are Night Elves due to the Elusiveness Racial.

Night Elf Rogues are the FASTEST stealthed class in game.
So how fast can druids dash/stealth/worgen sprint? Would boots make it a faster combo?

If they had made this change before 4.0 rogues could have been viable again, at least we get it now.
It stacks with boots, already said.

187% for Stealth/Minor Speed/Sprint

119% for Stealth/Minor Speed

124% for Stealth/Minor Speed/Night Elf

Druids can't dash.

Unsure if Worgen Dark Flight stacks.

Boots PowerUp replaces Sprint.
This patch with what they did with everything related to PvP was a complete waste, they could've done so much more to balance classes. Instead they've made things worse... Oh you wanna get graveyard spawned? Yeah its 10x easier now.

6 vs 10 alliance games (People need to start queing up)

Yay rogues can play again! *Quits hunter / roll rogue* Its whatever is most OP right? Which is still hunters.

Does anyone actually like this patch at all??

And what exactly was blizzard aiming for?

Opinion said:
I rolled one. She's cute.

but can she teach me to doogie?
Grabco said:
Priests should be taken down a notch with the nerf to PW:S Rogues will be able to sap and wait for bubble to expire easily.

why the fuck would you shield before opener? they dont have silience or stuns ergo you can cast the sec he opens, this is 19
Opinion said:

Can now move your player and target frames.

New guild ui including epic tabards.

New character ui for titles, stats, and sets.

Will update with more!

u've always been able to do that with a macro.
redpesto said:
l2p 10 10 101 0110101010

Reaper said:

what? it was to get 10 chars, and typing 10 once wasnt enough, noob
redpesto said:
why the fuck would you shield before opener? they dont have silience or stuns ergo you can cast the sec he opens, this is 19

Priests these days. You would shield before the opener because if you renewed it every time the bubble was at 15 seconds and a rogue sapped you, he would have to ambush through the bubble, and then, the next bubble would be up soon after or even sometimes before the initial one broke. In simpler terms, by the time the ambush hit you which was absorbed by the bubble, you'd have another one. Unless he ambushed right after the sap and while your bubble was just renewed (at 30 seconds), in which case your first bubble still absorbed the damage, and the other one was 13 or less seconds away.
Oasis said:
Priests these days. You would shield before the opener because if you renewed it every time the bubble was at 15 seconds and a rogue sapped you, he would have to ambush through the bubble, and then, the next bubble would be up soon after or even sometimes before the initial one broke. In simpler terms, by the time the ambush hit you which was absorbed by the bubble, you'd have another one. Unless he ambushed right after the sap and while your bubble was just renewed (at 30 seconds), in which case your first bubble still absorbed the damage, and the other one was 13 or less seconds away.

but whats the matter if the rogue outsaps it? and if he fails to do that, he'll open when the weakened shield is at full anyways. Oh, k, you might get 2 sec less weakened shield if he is slow, but do you rly think that'll be gamebreaking?
redpesto said:
but whats the matter if the rogue outsaps it? and if he fails to do that, he'll open when the weakened shield is at full anyways. Oh, k, you might get 2 sec less weakened shield if he is slow, but do you rly think that'll be gamebreaking?

I was thinking that too, but it is nice for forgetful priests, and when they buff their teammates and forget about them. Its more likely to drop off with out them noticing it.

But mostly it buffs players at higher levels.
redpesto ur garbag m8 i own u 1v1 in combat spec 4.0.3 lol m8 xD

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