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  1. rate my 50 rogue 0_o

    10/10 for sexy googles :D
  2. IRL Photos. (Part 3)

    lol nice 0Cgaes sucks big ****8)
  3. My Cabin at Camp

    Rofl Stomped....
  4. awww shit son look at this radical 24 warrior

    Well i give you a -4/10 Deducted points for being 24 and for a fagish name "jawsome" Might as well just reroll
  5. Balance druids @ 19

    Keep her a NE i'd say But idk how much power they did have but the starfire and wrath got a 23% buff (think it was 23% correct me if i'm wrong)
  6. I need a favor.

    Agreeed ****ing 10character needs to be removed...............
  7. Worst day ever

    Well i wanna sue my parents because they beat my ass with belt when i got in trouble and now i do as told at my house and school
  8. Worst day ever

    Got banned from here for my signature............ But i laughed my ass of that you got this done to you
  9. I think i win?

    I think i have the most infaction point so that mean i'm now a Yea a fucking troll so now we have this down and that well i'm the coolest person on the site Hows everybodys day?
  10. need tattoo ideas!!!

    lol your point? Animal abuser.....
  11. Awesome's Sigs

    lololol Thanks you
  12. need tattoo ideas!!!

    your right i only got 39.... To bad i don't have a stupid sig =O OHHH YEA FUCK YOU
  13. Awesome's Sigs

    You fucking joking me? wheres my damn sig? HMMMMMM i posted before him... fuck this i'll just REPOST THIS Edit: I already psoted but i'll repost -Must ask nicely. Will you please make me a sweet sig and dude look I even used your format -You need to provide an armory link that works...
  14. Post Your Ingame UI

    Good i was about to bitchslap you with my..... hand
  15. Post Your Ingame UI

    Yes, Yes it is..... I eman you can get that all still making it clean jsut reduce the size and some usless addons
  16. WTB Stuff [EU]

    Stop bumping dude.... AFter the thread is your fucking bumps
  17. need tattoo ideas!!!

    See thats not that bad and it will never go out of style gaming shit tattos do...
  18. Post Your Ingame UI

    Wow...... fucking cludered?
  19. need tattoo ideas!!!

    A tatto with gaming in it? sorry to say but when the things go out of date (nobody likes it) you will look like a fucking idot and have to get it removed I say get somthing you will always have (Non gaming) P.s. personaly if i saw sombody like this one guy i saw at a water park had a wow tatto...
  20. Should i have done this?

    100bucks on a fucking turtle? if you have the money to blow and love it alot it's ok i guess but i would have never done it..... But if i saw you on a 19 twink with the turtle i would fall in love with you =D