WTB Stuff [EU]

Man, dont pay that much, bought my sfangs for 4k each, just be patient and you Will get 'em cheap, anyway bump and goodluck in your search, hope i ser you in the Bgs ;)
Draenor has such a high demand for them, I dont think they will ever go that cheap. Also take in consideration of inflation, what was 1k back then might be 5k now. It seems like there are less and less Shadowfangs in the market too, hopefully I get mine sometime soon. Thanks for the tip but maybe you got them a while back when they were cheaper, I dont think they will go for that price nowadays.

Idk, maybe I'm just getting impatient with my shadowfangs, I think I've been looking for about 2-3 months now....

Ye, i bought mine 3 days ago, probably just lucky with theprice, i hope u get urs , so gl, and if you want em fast pay à shitload of gold ;)
Yeah... seems like you got lucky with the price...




Still looking :(

Thread updated to items I have on Nordrassil and Draenor

The item has a D or N to clarify which server its on

I'm also buying 2x Tarantula Silk Sash too now

Still Looking :)

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