Post Your Ingame UI

curleypwnsu said:
Is there an addon that shows enemy cooldown tracker as of 4.0+? I know in 3.5 about Aesa

i used to use natur enemy cast bar but that too is outdated :( atm using interruptbar for the kick/pummel/cs stuffs.
curleypwnsu said:
Is there an addon that shows enemy cooldown tracker as of 4.0+? I know in 3.5 about Aesa

Use interrupt bar and add the spells you want to track in the interrupt bar folder

This is kind of off topic but seeing as they both posted in this thread, i had no idea 2 mods played on my 19s realm. Learn something new every day :)
Vincent said:
That must be the ugliest and least thought-through interface ever...

Yes, Yes it is.....

I eman you can get that all still making it clean jsut reduce the size and some usless addons

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