need tattoo ideas!!!

Go to college. Get a room with a roomate. See if your room mate has a tat on their chest of their sisters name...

Start stalking and being over protective of your room mate. Try on their sisters necklace. They will get mad since their sister is dead. Than you get a tattoo of their sisters name on your chest. And watch them LOLRAGE...

This sounds like a suspense
was that supposed to be funny or....?
was that the plot to that awful movie that came out a while agoo
DesH said:
That is a gaming tat :S................ I have never once seen you post something that would prove you have an IQ over 40....

your right i only got 39....

To bad i don't have a stupid sig =O OHHH YEA FUCK YOU
redrain said:
To bad i don't have a stupid sig

*looks at sig* *facepalms*

dumb kid is dumb
Good advice so far, get timeless tattoos or you will regret them. All of mine have a personal meaning so even after 7 years I don't regret them. I have friends who were part of the tribal arm band and japanese characters fads though and that shit just looks stupid now. If you're dead set on a gaming tattoo don't let it be wow or pokemon, or anything else with a stigma attached because you will probaby end up regretting it.
i used to date this chick in japan that had mario mushrooms on her wrists. green on one and red on the other. she said green = life, red = power...for those of you who require that your tattoos symbolize something. her real reason was because she's a gamer nerd.

check out BME for more ideas. hers used to be posted, but that was years ago, so i'm not sure if they're still up. still a ton of cool ideas there though. <3
wisket said:
i used to date this chick in japan that had mario mushrooms on her wrists. green on one and red on the other. she said green = life, red = power...for those of you who require that your tattoos symbolize something. her real reason was because she's a gamer nerd.

check out BME for more ideas. hers used to be posted, but that was years ago, so i'm not sure if they're still up. still a ton of cool ideas there though. <3

thanks for the link mate

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