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  1. First twink

    MM hunter works, but I wouldn't consider it fun. If I was to give tier ratings to the classes (and guess at the overall meta) I'd probably go along the lines of A: Warrior, Druid, Monk B: Shaman, Warlock, DH, Priest, Paladin, Evoker C: DK, Hunter D: Mage F: Rogue You can easily get haste to...
  2. What did you loot today?=)

    12 crit is essentially worth +6 str so was always a bit of a no-brainer to go for constructor if it proced an extra socket, cause at that point it's like a 4 socket helm. I'm still grinding the speed proc on the chest myself as well... I got it to proc on the wrong chest piece though.
  3. What's the best option for gemming for F2P?

    Since honor is now transferable (when it's working anyways) it's possible to grind for the PvP gems. You can roll a fresh level 10 and do random BGs until you hit 20, transfer the honor to the character that needs the gems.
  4. Starter Set

    Back in ye old day it was Firey Blaze enchantment all the way! Least for me it was...
  5. Socketed cloak & wrist

    I recall trinkets from BfA could get a socket, I wonder if that's still a thing.
  6. where do i start?

    I think the catch all answer would be druid, since whatever your playstyle they have a spec for it; with the bonus of being able to stealth. Level 10-11 saw a huge spike when timewalking was opened up to level 10+ You can get your characters up to speed (in a literal sense) pretty fast. I...
  7. Hunter Level 10 Twinks Now Viable?

    I found exhilaration was enough of a heal to keep me going through The Nexus (where I'm still farming for the boots) without needing to stop and eat. Didn't really notice the missing pet since aimed shot would kill the first two mobs anyways. Course my pet would always catch the 3rd one, but...
  8. Resto Druid feelin' pretty violated after yesterday...

    Yeah it's a bit of sadness to see my shred go from 1000 damage down to 900. I think it's more of a testament to how OP resto druid was and still is that it can take a 20% hit to damage and still preform well above the average of the rest of the twinks.
  9. That feel when you log in and none of your gear has been nerfed

    If you want to do something silly, run as a resto druid and throw heals on the tank when needed; but spend the rest of the time just meleeing things. There's a good chance you'll still do the most damage out of the group.
  10. Hunter Level 10 Twinks Now Viable?

    You lose your pet as Marksman, so it's kind of a wash. But less annoying to clear out swarms now.
  11. That feel when you log in and none of your gear has been nerfed

    A bullet dodged for now! Course my character parked in a TW dungeon was ported out with the patch, so couldn't confirm if the new drops would have indeed been lower ilvl.
  12. DPS comparison between the most popular / common 2H TW weapons as an 11 Warrior (2nd attempt)

    If you're crazy enough you'll do it all over again! Well depending on if the changed TW weapons are better than hatebringer or not I suppose...

    I suppose it's not straightforward that each server has it's own separate 10/hr instance limit, though even with workarounds, who really wants to grind dungeons that fast that often without an excuse to take a break from running the same thing over and over and over? I suppose props to those...
  14. Cata time walking seems harder?

    What happens if a twink runs straight to the last boss and kills it is that people out of range will not get credit/loot from it, while simultaneously probably getting bodied by loose adds the twink didn't pick up. So not too hard to understand why people would be mad, if you spend 5-10 minutes...
  15. Twink Nostalgia Thread

    The best times is when a new expansion drops and I get to see some of the content from the previous expansion and go "Boy am I glad I didn't engage in whatever stupid grind they introduced to timegate and stretch the content out."
  16. Question about Monks

    I mean sure combined with a few SL gems for the health regen, you're basically immortal unless stupidly large pulls. The DPS is soooo low though.
  17. Question about Monks

    30% eh? I have 46%! (49% if I swap out 2 SL gems for run speed and health regen). Got lucky and have an epic version of should be an avoidance upgrade as well as you'll get...
  18. Cata time walking seems harder?

    Maybe he's thinking about the 3rd boss? The one that has the "Run away from melee range or die" mechanic. I mean a lot of cata bosses have a lot of "one-shot" mechanics, but if you're running a level 11 twink you kill those bosses faster than they have time to show up. Even the...
  19. Cata time walking seems harder?

    Out of curiosity are you using a fury warrior against her? If so the highest single target DPS rotation will be BT, slam, slam and you should be able to burn down the boss before the bugged attack hits you. Least that's what I did.
  20. Cata time walking seems harder?

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's the adds the boss summons that will one shot you. If you stay away from the adds you probably won't die.