Cata time walking seems harder?


Anyone notice the current time walking mobs seem to be doing a lot more damage to our twinks maybe because of scaling?
now in fairness my twinks are FTP so don’t have life stealing but having to heal a lot more hmm
Cata timing is a bit harder but also the scaling of some mob abilities are poorly scaled. The dot in tolvir will one shot anyone under probably 30ish, the first tick is around 1k. There are others also.
The later the expansion, the less I enjoy TW. Why? Because later dungeons just had to add annoying mechanics or gimmicks to stay "interesting".

I've only done 1 Cata TW this week and I ended up getting End Time, which I dislike. I, too, thought it seemed harder. But regardless I just don't like the dungeon. I also dislike Throne of Tides.

The Shado-Pan Monastery in MoP is annoying.

Grimrail Depot in WoD is annoying.

Court of Stars in Legion TW can bite me. I've reached the point of just leaving the group and taking the deserter buff if I get this dungeon.

Even in WotLK TW, I don't like Pit of Saron, partially because there's only 2 bosses.

Also, there are scaling problems all over the place. The 2nd boss in Gundrak at 10/11 can hit you for 70% of your health. I started switching to Prot Warrior just for this boss because you may accidnetally die if you don't.

Not TW but this happens in Hellfire Ramparts too. Vazrudon has an ability that'll do 500k+ damage to you if you're 10/11 (you know, with 2k health).
Several one shot mechanics.
Kill the plaguebringers 1st.
edit: DPS on the meters is so lower because some of the mechanics, youre in combat, but either the boss has a shield up allowing very little damage, or they cant be hit at all, and since youre in combat the whole time your meter just drops like a rock.
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It's driving me crazy. Last boss in stonecore does 400k randomly with a normal white hit.

echos of baine in end time is an ass of a boss too, plague bringers in tolvir dot one shotting

feels like majority of timewalking cata is borked

It's driving me crazy. Last boss in stonecore does 400k randomly with a normal white hit.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's the adds the boss summons that will one shot you. If you stay away from the adds you probably won't die.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's the adds the boss summons that will one shot you. If you stay away from the adds you probably won't die.
It's both, both have some weird chance of hitting for insane amounts. Tried staying completely away from adds but the boss still one shots randomly before I can kill her
It's both, both have some weird chance of hitting for insane amounts. Tried staying completely away from adds but the boss still one shots randomly before I can kill her
Out of curiosity are you using a fury warrior against her? If so the highest single target DPS rotation will be BT, slam, slam and you should be able to burn down the boss before the bugged attack hits you. Least that's what I did.
even before the TW changes since 20th annv, CATA TW was always the worst even for max level players because when scaled down the current max level gear was crap. for this reason i would only do CATA TW with a few tanks i had and used older gear with sockets, BOA wpn with enchants that could not be used on current expac wpns. not a concept i thought of. alot of players did the so called TW twink sets, some of this was vaguely covered here, but was also on WOW, mmo-champ, etc forums, along with some small content creators on youtube

CATA dungeons even normal were extremely hard at launch (even after nerfs were still rather hard), which was a blizzard reaction to players wanting harder or hard core play after WOTLK was considered candy mode which the only hard content of that expac was Ulduar raid and that could be totally skipped thru TOC and go straight to ICC
Ah, mechanics... the twink killer.
Not sure where this comes from. Is it that you feel twinks are all too stupid to do mechanics. Or that you feel dots that tick for 1k that one shots anyone below 30ish or bosses that hit for 400k are mechanics?
Not sure where this comes from. Is it that you feel twinks are all too stupid to do mechanics. Or that you feel dots that tick for 1k that one shots anyone below 30ish or bosses that hit for 400k are mechanics?
Maybe he's thinking about the 3rd boss? The one that has the "Run away from melee range or die" mechanic. I mean a lot of cata bosses have a lot of "one-shot" mechanics, but if you're running a level 11 twink you kill those bosses faster than they have time to show up.

Even the... plaguebringers? In Tolvir aren't a problem the moment you figure out they're the ones that cast the one-shot dot.
Out of curiosity are you using a fury warrior against her? If so the highest single target DPS rotation will be BT, slam, slam and you should be able to burn down the boss before the bugged attack hits you. Least that's what I did.
I am yeah, and yeah I'm using BT, slams, but its seconds before shes doing it and I don't do that much dps. I'm not the best geared right now, although im not sure how much more dps I can gain really. I rage quit the boss earlier after like 10+ wipes lol
Not sure where this comes from. Is it that you feel twinks are all too stupid to do mechanics. Or that you feel dots that tick for 1k that one shots anyone below 30ish or bosses that hit for 400k are mechanics?
I am not refering to the poorly scalled dots and stuff, I am refering to the guy who said he hates throne of tides court of stars etc because you have to do more then just spam 1-2 buttons while pressing the w key.
I am not refering to the poorly scalled dots and stuff, I am refering to the guy who said he hates throne of tides court of stars etc because you have to do more then just spam 1-2 buttons while pressing the w key.
Apologizes, i misunderstood your comment
Ah, mechanics... the twink killer.
TBF, most players struggle with this, I've had to run over and grab the totem to throw at Baine (or whoever it is) so we don't keep wiping as the priest stared at it...again.

Same in Dawnbreaker, people pulling the wave on everyone, standing around wondering why there are barrels sitting there as the fight is taking 20 minutes...

People are expecting easy, because they've gotten it.

But cata is most definitely one of the most difficult TW for twinks if your group sees the red bandana and expects a free ride...I'm in there for tokens, and pulling my alts through.

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