Resto Druid feelin' pretty violated after yesterday...


I feel like I got hammered yesterday. Hope you all fared better...
  • (Resto) All damage reduced by 20%.
  • (Resto) Mastery: Harmony effectiveness increased by 45%. Now reduces its bonus with each additional heal over time effect.
  • Rejuvenation healing increased by 5%.
  • Wild Growth healing increased by 5%.
  • Rip damage reduced by 9%.
  • Shred damage increased by 10%.
  • Swipe damage increased by 10%.
  • Ferocious Bite damage reduced by 8%
luckily we had a lot of damage so it may not be really noticeable. Might really suck, I don't know
But we can heal for a whole lot more!
luckily we had a lot of damage so it may not be really noticeable. Might really suck, I don't know
But we can heal for a whole lot more!
Oh it's VERY noticeable. Not insurmountable... but a huge hit. To the point where I might have considered skipping druid if I didn't have one and absolutely love the class. Think I may have to test Feral / Agility.
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Yeah it's a bit of sadness to see my shred go from 1000 damage down to 900.

I think it's more of a testament to how OP resto druid was and still is that it can take a 20% hit to damage and still preform well above the average of the rest of the twinks.
Yeah it's a bit of sadness to see my shred go from 1000 damage down to 900.

I think it's more of a testament to how OP resto druid was and still is that it can take a 20% hit to damage and still preform well above the average of the rest of the twinks
If outperforming your peers is the goal, then I'm sure you're still "king."
Nerfs are never fun, and who knows there will still be balancing changes the next couple of weeks. Just hope that level 80 resto druids underperform
Nerfs are never fun, and who knows there will still be balancing changes the next couple of weeks. Just hope that level 80 resto druids underperform
The worst part is that rdruid still outperforms the other specs

Playing resto cat is so boring and unoriginal. Worse than hunters lol

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