Question about Monks


So... I'm working on a Monk, & by virtue of some fortunate drops, have decided to build a Dodge-Set for him.ãzmatron/

The Armory dose not list Dodge as a stat at all, so I'm wondering if it's just a vestigial stat & has no or next to no effect on my performance.
Not having any real wisdom in the usefulness of having a 7.62% dodge chance, other than for shit's n giggles;
wanted to ask you lot is there is any real benefit to having dodge at all?
Technically some dodge can't hurt but that's not too valuable, at least not more valuable than any other secondary stat.

And Monks are perhaps the worst class to get Dodge rating on as Mastery more of less does the same job with the added bonus of extra attack power.

It does, however, also grants a lot of "big balls energy" which is a stat that basically lets other people they're not on your level as your higher plane of existence can merely be understood by us lowly mortals unable to fathom the untapped potential of Dodge rating as we dwell soulless and lightless fighting for scraps of versatility.

So yeah, cool stat in theory, not so good in practice as versatility will generally be more valuable as it does dodge's job and then some (and to be fair more or less any secondary is more valuable) and sadly for you it is a strictly inferior version of Brewmaster's mastery. But hey, maybe future scalings will make that stat relevant again so don't throw that gear out.

And finally : even if it's not optimal, as long as you have fun it's your best-in-slot.
It does, however, also grants a lot of "big balls energy" which is a stat that basically lets other people they're not on your level as your higher plane of existence can merely be understood by us lowly mortals unable to fathom the untapped potential of Dodge rating as we dwell soulless and lightless fighting for scraps of versatility.
HahHAh! Ok :D
Thanks for the reply & the laugh.

Intuitively, I felt like it was kinda just for the lulz, putting together a Dodge set,
But It felt like fun side-quest project, even if ultimately worthless.
I’ve tried this in the past with a Druid. Dodge has a seriously dismal diminishing return. You have to stack dozens of rating just to even get 1-2% dodge over baseline

Monks might be different but dodge rating is truly a wasted stat imo
Dodge mostly works better with non-Protection Warriors and in some cases the Rogue as they have abilities that use it as mitigation on some effects. Also dodge requires you actually being hit with something to assist in the mitigation. Thus, armor and other means like versatility work out as a smoother ride.

But I have noted that as Outlaw Rogue, that dodge seems to help.

I do not think it works well with Survival Hunter as another example as long as versatility can be stacked.
This is my full parry/dodge Protection Warrior.
I miss some socket on some slots (trying to get them, but unlucky as hell), but right now I'm at around 30% Dodge and Parry.
The diminishing returns starts very quickly.
Is that useful? No, but it's a great proof on concept.
Tho Blizzard did change Revenge after BFA, you get around 3 free proc per minutes when dodging/parrying, instead of each time you dodged/parried
This is my full parry/dodge Protection Warrior.
I miss some socket on some slots (trying to get them, but unlucky as hell), but right now I'm at around 30% Dodge and Parry.
The diminishing returns starts very quickly.
Is that useful? No, but it's a great proof on concept.
Tho Blizzard did change Revenge after BFA, you get around 3 free proc per minutes when dodging/parrying, instead of each time you dodged/parried
USeful? Ehh....
Awesome to beold...MOS' DEF!!!!
That kit AWESOME!

I think that: My wanting to have a meme Dodge Kit is more fantasy than practical.
I'd just like some of these old, vestigial stats to still have some potency; & perhaps provide an unusual if only nominal advantage,
but at best possibly offer some head-scratching while some hapless melee swings away & just whiffs over & over again.

I was certainly over-looking the Dodge/Parry gems, but I don't think I'd want to sacrifice much top end Agi after all.

Truly magnificent meme-Kit tho, @pokspell Thanks for sharing!
30% eh?
I have 46%! (49% if I swap out 2 SL gems for run speed and health regen).


Got lucky and have an epic version of should be an avoidance upgrade as well as you'll get extra parry from the strength. provides 3 dodge and 4 parry

Otherwise the gear is the same.

I use mastery enchants for the extra block rate, having 100% "unhit" is so close yet so far while maintaining parry/dodge gems.
30% eh?
I have 46%! (49% if I swap out 2 SL gems for run speed and health regen).

View attachment 25682

Got lucky and have an epic version of should be an avoidance upgrade as well as you'll get extra parry from the strength. provides 3 dodge and 4 parry

Otherwise the gear is the same.

I use mastery enchants for the extra block rate, having 100% "unhit" is so close yet so far while maintaining parry/dodge gems.
Well, so...
Does it WORK? I mean, can you go toe to toe with someone & they just whiff left & right?
30% eh?
I have 46%! (49% if I swap out 2 SL gems for run speed and health regen).

Got lucky and have an epic version of should be an avoidance upgrade as well as you'll get extra parry from the strength. provides 3 dodge and 4 parry

Otherwise the gear is the same.

I use mastery enchants for the extra block rate, having 100% "unhit" is so close yet so far while maintaining parry/dodge gems.
I have around 30% Parry and 30% Dodge, so close to 60% in total! ;)

A screenshot might help.
I know that last expac I had around 30% Dodge/Parry with the scaling.
now I would need sockets on slots to reach it
Funny thing I just noticed, the Earthen can be monks? How? They were under edicts until The War Within, so lorewise they would not know about Monks per se.

And lorewise they cannot technically be Death Knights as they shut down when they end of life, so in theory cannot be resurrected!?

Food for thought ;)
Funny thing I just noticed, the Earthen can be monks? How? They were under edicts until The War Within, so lorewise they would not know about Monks per se.

And lorewise they cannot technically be Death Knights as they shut down when they end of life, so in theory cannot be resurrected!?

Food for thought ;)
Cause RPG immersion went out the window long ago.
**Cough-Cough-Tauren Rogues-Cough**

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