Technically, you'd need to be 11 not 10 to get Multi-shot. It is an interesting change.TWW patch 11.1 hunters get multi-shot at level 10, is it viable as as level 10 twink now?
I found exhilaration was enough of a heal to keep me going through The Nexus (where I'm still farming for the boots) without needing to stop and eat. Didn't really notice the missing pet since aimed shot would kill the first two mobs anyways. Course my pet would always catch the 3rd one, but the damage done by it was minimal so the pace didn't change much.Just tried my fully geared 11 MM hunter. Trading my pet (and the healing it provides) for a weak multi-shot is a really bad deal.
Went from 480 DPS to 277 DPS overall in a TBC dungeon.
Have to use traps more and eat more often.
/sigh /shrug