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  1. 19 twinks - Suhr (Vaj) vs Ryrith

    Who are you?
  2. EU epeen movie; Ryrith vs Saku

    Wait a sec? Have thozt done that? Have he? had no clue about that sounds as BS I were good friend with defty when he played he'd never do that.
  3. EU epeen movie; Ryrith vs Saku

    Did the fourteen year old say something? Got sume pubic hair yet boy? Is the kid who named his character to sakura trying to pick an arguement with me? Rofl..... Just seeing this a waste of time, you got issues pal. The G Saku hahhaha xD I remember when you asked me for help with that girl you...
  4. EU epeen movie; Ryrith vs Saku

    Am I born 1994? rofl.................. Your a sad individual Saku a proper loser :) Count on that I'll re-upload the movie :) Gz on keeping away from WoW in 4 months , had you sniffed coke instead? hahah you loser, your mocking the wrong person. Did I make you cry now? Go to mammy and she can...
  5. EU epeen movie; Ryrith vs Saku

    d/w i'll reupload the movie :p what do I have to lose you quit WoW right? So why wold you care :) Aren't you busy with gang banging in south central **roflmao**. I like how you cannot keep the game outta your mind and still gotta troll on forums even though you quit..... so pathetic or how shall...
  6. EU epeen movie; Ryrith vs Saku

    i like how a swede is tryin to be a black from cpt, frustrated since you quit wow? i c thats why u cannot keep away from the forums as well, how old were u again like 14? like a boss bro ;) too bad i deleted my movie :((( answer to this movie
  7. EU twinking - the alternative.

    Why would peoples leave Blackout to join your battlegoup when we got 2 daily WSG's up. The WSG's are alright, havent seen any exploiters.
  8. Ryrith... Once again

    Yeh, thanks man I'm actually suffering a lot of this disease, I cant bang bitches u know what im sayin'
  9. Ryrith... Once again

    Hello, this is ryrith and I just wanted to tell everyone that ofc it's obvious that I was playing to get the GM feel sad for me. I actually worked my ass off on that priest, farming BoA's, farming AM's etc. Well, I just wanted to tell you that was for getting the GM to feel sorry for me and I...
  10. Throwed II: Viable? You decide. ft. Omgmom, Painaid, Twinkytoez

    yeeeeeeeeee i got aids!!!!!! fuk no -big boss ryrith
  11. Dreaax on Twink Info EU

    zimt where are you these days :P?
  12. +15 Spell Power on bracers.

    Is this enchant still avaliable? I attempted to get it on my priest yesterday and it said it required lvl 35? Anyone else of you have noticed this?