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  1. Stormstrike

    I got a Hunter on Stormstrike that is nearly complete and while i was trying to get some honor it s just impossible were gettting stomped the horde dont even have any twinks on and were still getting stomped. Is if ever even or fair or is just horde better on this battlegroup?
  2. Feral Druid

    I noticed today when i was queing for Arena a Druid with about 1.1k health and low mana had a Assasins Blade with +15 strength on it and that all i got a look at before he logged or entered a que. Is there Feral Bear Druids running around that arent FCs and if so are they effective at all cause...
  3. WTT Account For Game Time

    I am Willing to Prove to you that I own the account email me at or contact me on here on ur terms for me to prove to you that i own the account.
  4. WTT Account For Game Time

    It has been transfered over to account and no its not attached to any other accounts. And its on Excecutus. Ohh and the 19 rogue is on Excecutus as well and the 29 Hunter is on Reckoning Battlegroup Windrunner Server.
  5. WTT Account For Game Time

    I have a Vanilla WoW account with a 56 Hunter a 19 Rogue not perfect twink, and a 29 Hunter pretty good twink. There are also a couple of other Alts on the Account it has no gametime. The 56 hunter is on Stormstrike Battlegroup which is the most active for 60 Twinks all i am asking for is a 60...
  6. DK lvl 80 1 handers

    I have recently seen DKs and Rogues using a One handed Axe that is on the back when not in use and it has very fast attack speed does anyone know what it is called? Ive been out of 80 material for a while.
  7. Want to find a partner

    I never intended it to be any scam or anything i just wanted to make a rogue and lvl him fast and figured id post a thread seeing if anyone wanted to make a new 60.
  8. Want to find a partner

    Im looking for some one who wants to make a new account and level to 60 for with me. I will recruit you and we will have recruit a friend xp. But i can not lvl until june 7th when i get out of school. I figure that this is a good offer to anyone who wants to make a new 60 twink you'll be 60...
  9. Everything Thats "Going on in the 19s''

    I really think in order to make this work everyone should role new characters with new names on a new battle group and not the same guilds. Possibly not even contacting your old guildies and just let everyone fall back into place. I think that if your working with new people and being a...
  10. Everything Thats "Going on in the 19s''

    Everyone is complaining and missing the good old days. Yes i miss em too. I remember my first "twink" and it was nothing special at all just a 19 rogue with a few enchants to put me a little above the competition and i was considered a twink i would enter a BG and people would whisper me "hey...
  11. WTT Account

    IF u want armories message me dont want to risk getting banned.
  12. WTT Account

    I have a 67 Warlock and a 71 DK with 2 19 twink one already on Ruin ready to play and a almost complete Shaman. I would like to trade it preferebly for a 65+ Druid or mage. Contact me on here or email me a
  13. Max Sp Priest

    Ya i started working on a Mage started collecting gear then i realized i didn't want a Mage. Then i qued for a 19 BG and was pissed that we had no healers so thats when i decided to make a priest. So i want to have a healing set and then a DPS set and was just wondering what was the Max crit...
  14. Max Sp Priest

    I'm going to make a priest because I'm bored of my rogue, hunter and lock. And I was just wondering on a full Sp priest what was the biggest Smite crit u could get?
  15. new item?

    Im 95% sure I saw these in game before.
  16. New Twink

    I do not have an 80 anymore. So BoAs are not an option and I am too lazy to lvl to 80 again. So what weapons should I Use? I was Thinking Tisted Chanters staff and dawn blade.
  17. Help! Ally Rogue

    If Your playing ally get Seal of the Wyrnn instead of Blood Ring. And if you are making and ambush twink im pretty sure you should put +5 Weapon Damage on your dagger instead of 15 agillity although I have never experimented with this. And theres also another Ranged weapon that is an alternative...
  18. What to make CC mage Hunter or both?

    I think you should make a Mage but instead of stacking HP and Intellect for CC stack as much spellpower as possible. I always thought this would be fun and challenging.
  19. New Twink

    Any Suggestions on Gear or an armory i could look at for a BabyBoomkin?
  20. New Twink

    BabyBoomkin does sound fun I would just like to play caster I first thought mage would be cool but then I was like wait a minute I could be a druid and heal myself and have cheetah lol. I dont really have an interest in FCing, and one thing i dont want to happen is people always complaining for...