New Twink


I was thinking of making a Glass Cannon Mage or maybe even a BabyBoomkin Druid. What do you guys think about a BabyBoomkin Druid? I think it would be better then a Glass Cannon Mage because the ability to heal. Got tired of playing rogues and hunters want to try something a bit different.
Gongshow said:
I was thinking of making a Glass Cannon Mage or maybe even a BabyBoomkin Druid. What do you guys think about a BabyBoomkin Druid? I think it would be better then a Glass Cannon Mage because the ability to heal. Got tired of playing rogues and hunters want to try something a bit different.

Ya mon! babyboomkin is sweetness. Wraths that hit 130+ and crit for 200+ are sweet, plus they heal very well and have travel form and roots. I love playing babyboomkin, however they dont have a very good rep atm, but i would recommend it. If you dont like it you still have a pimped out resto druid and the potential for FCing.
BabyBoomkin does sound fun I would just like to play caster I first thought mage would be cool but then I was like wait a minute I could be a druid and heal myself and have cheetah lol. I dont really have an interest in FCing, and one thing i dont want to happen is people always complaining for heals when im not a healer thats the only thing im worried about. Im worried that it would get annoying after a while. But it sounds like BabyBoomkin could put out some damage if played right.
character planner . babyboomkin . chardev seven - specced 5 in starlight wrath and 6 points over moonglow and natures focus. If you use glyph of wrath you will only need 2 points max in natures focus, if you glyph for moonfire you will have a slightly higher dmg output, but will suffer more pushback on your wraths.

Edit: 30sp weapon should be either BoA mace(doesnt matter which) with several offhands; Furby pouch, Mystic Tome, Everglow Lantern and Veildust Medicine Bag.

The above link stacks as much sp and crit as is viable. With moonglow and 11mp5 you shouldnt oom too quickly. However if you want to pick up more mana you can try using girdle of the blind watcher + 5hit to boots, mindthrust bracers, preened shoulders and darkweave breeches, you will lose a wee bit of hp and some crit though.

And FYI on a high sp boomkin build 1crit rating ~= 1sp.
I do not have an 80 anymore. So BoAs are not an option and I am too lazy to lvl to 80 again. So what weapons should I Use? I was Thinking Tisted Chanters staff and dawn blade.
Twisted Chanter's Staff for 22int (instead of dignified)

Staff of the Blessed Seer for 30SP (instead of BoAs)

Staff of the Frair with 20 spirit

You might like to also pick up a buzzer blade with 30 sp or an evocator's blade with 20 spirit to have as a weapon to use with your various offhands (i mean everglow and veildust)

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