Help! Ally Rogue

1st twink

Human Rogue 19

Head- Lucky Fishing Hat +15 Sta

Neck- Sentinel’s Medallion 6 Agi 2 Sta

Shoulders- Serpents Shoulders 9 Agi

Back- Sentry Cloak + Increased Stealth

Chest- Blackened Defias Armor 11 Sta 4 Str 3 Agi +100 Health

Wrist- Forest Leather Bracers 5 Agi +9 Stamina

Hands- Gloves of the Fang 6 Agi 5 Str +7 Agility

Waist- Deviate Scale Belt 6 Sta 5 Agi

Legs- Leggings of the Fang 9 Agi 5 Str 4 Sta

Feet- Footpads of the Fang 6 Sta 6 Agi + Minor Speed Increase

Ring1- Protectors Band 4 Str 4 Agi 2 Sta

Ring2- Blood Ring 5 Sta

Trinket1- Arena Grand Master 12 Sta

Trinket2- Insignia of the Alliance


Assassin’s Blade +15 Agility-Shadowfang +15 Agility


Throat Piercers 2 Agi

1241 HP

Crit-26.77 with 225 Skinning

Herbalism 225-Lifeblood


5/5 Malice

3/3 Puncturing Wounds

2/2 Opportunity

Major/Minor Glyph-Glyph of Gouge/Glyph of Blurred Speed

My friend wants to create a rogue for our new twink guild we will be making.

I like this build because we want to create a stealthy rogue that likes to do backstabs and ambushes.:)
Get the satchel cloak of the bandit, 4 agi 4 stam 8 ap.

15 Agility to gloves and if he really wants backstabs, use AB with 5 damage and a cruel barb offhand with 15 agility
If Your playing ally get Seal of the Wyrnn instead of Blood Ring. And if you are making and ambush twink im pretty sure you should put +5 Weapon Damage on your dagger instead of 15 agillity although I have never experimented with this. And theres also another Ranged weapon that is an alternative to Throat Piercer that gives +1 Stamina and +1 agillity if you are looking for something possibly easier to obtain you get the crossbow from a Dranei Starting area quest that I currently forget the name of.
There's a lot wrong with this, Im guessing you just came back to twinking. First off humans don't need insignia cause the racial is better. +4 stats to chest for a dagger rogue. And you're still gonna want hit, there's a lot of threads on how you will get capped. Don't expect dagger rogues to preform very well, I would suggest a full AP build as it's not viable even with a conventional gearset and you'd really only be doing it for the lulz in WSG. Of course you could always faceroll a hunter sure aren't enough of those around :p

edit: Oh and don't forget tunic of westfall>defias, you're rolling alliance capitAlize on that
How do i get a satchel cloak. I still dont understand those and thanks ill take off insignia. How do I add AP? Ill get the 5 weapon damage on assassins blade, and ill get the cruel barb. Thanks everybody so much. I just need a few more answers.
If you're not going to use BOA's then forget about the satchel cloak. You'll be rocking a spidersilk to get yourself hitcapped.

But if you want one you can obtain satchel items by queing for an instance via the dungeon finder tool and finishing it. You'll either get a cloak or a random belt. You want the bandit version.
Please use the search function until you have more specific questions, don't feel like writing a rogue guide atm :p
Juicy said:
But if you want one you can obtain satchel items by queing for a Random instance via the dungeon finder tool and finishing it. You'll either get a cloak or a random belt. You want the bandit version.

A small but crucial difference. Just so 1sttwink knows.

Once you've killed the last boss in the instance a satchel will be automatically placed in your bags and inside it will be a random piece of loot, in this bracket a belt or a cloak. If your bags are full the satchel will be mailed to you.
character planner . fast! . chardev seven

Don't bother doing a single random dungeon for loot. Thats the only viable option since you have no BoA and seem insistent on Backstab build. Glyph of gouge<glyph of sprint too. 15 energy is .5s roughly the sprint will let you stay behind any other class besides another rogue w/ the glyph.
Don't make a rogue unless you're good and like a challenge.
Eliot said:
Don't make a rogue unless you're good and like a challenge.

I must disagree, play WHATEVER class you wish. I find my pally and my hunter more challenging than my rogue (Yes I do have almost 3 more years experience with my rogue but...). Twinking is about the player, not the class, gear etc. Its an outlet to play WoW in a different way and an entire community of people to do so with. I've made much closer friends through twinking than through endgame (except for my RL friends obviously). I do hope to see you in gulch bro (unless your EU :( ) lol. Also, I believe this is for his friend as he mentioned, he had another post for a twink he actually wanted to play too.

PS: There's no such thing as a challenge when your high, only leprechauns haxing your keyboard ;)
Thanks everybody for your responses. He seems pretty happy with everything I gave him. Me and my other three friends are going to start our twinks right away. No i dont play EU so see you guys in warsong.

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