Everything Thats "Going on in the 19s''


Everyone is complaining and missing the good old days. Yes i miss em too. I remember my first "twink" and it was nothing special at all just a 19 rogue with a few enchants to put me a little above the competition and i was considered a twink i would enter a BG and people would whisper me "hey nice twink" and i thought i was the biggest BAD A@@. I haven't really played my twinks hardcore since slightly after the xp change and yes my twinks are not completely BiS but heck they do the job. I havent played enough on my twinks to personally experience all the complaints that have been going on. I didnt really see travel form for Shamans or druids as a problem i saw it as something cool. But if you guys are that upset about travel form maybe you should move up a bracket to 29s because of the mount factor to chase down FC's. In 29s i know you guys will still say its "unbalanced" but it will never ever be balanced Blizzard will never ever consider balancing low level PvP that is not there focus. When the xp turn off was done i moved one 29 and one 19 to the right battlegroup's and even though 29s died rather quickly it was the most fun i had twinking i dont know if it was the type of players there but it was the most fun since the good old days so maybe the 19 twink community should have a summer/ spring plan to move up to the 29s with fresh charecters and try to put the 19 drama behind themand move on. Just a though and idea i had to maybe cool people down and reinvent the twinking that i fell in love with.
I've often used the term "Wall of Text". This will be the direct link for me, when having to describe this phenomenon.
I really think in order to make this work everyone should role new characters with new names on a new battle group and not the same guilds. Possibly not even contacting your old guildies and just let everyone fall back into place. I think that if your working with new people and being a successful you might develop... well i don't know maybe a reputation that is honorable, and not a reputation of a 8===> putting it nicely.
I like twinking much better now that xp is turned off. No more nubs in the bgs and it's more balanced and organised. I do like the idea of everyone making 29's to play with. Each class would have more abilities and some classes like palys would be able to play more roles like dps that they can't do at 19 very well. My first twink was a 29 I made before the xp was turned off. I had to switch to 19 because there were very few people on my sever that played 29's.
Porksoda said:
I like twinking much better now that xp is turned off. No more nubs in the bgs and it's more balanced and organised. I do like the idea of everyone making 29's to play with. Each class would have more abilities and some classes like palys would be able to play more roles like dps that they can't do at 19 very well. My first twink was a 29 I made before the xp was turned off. I had to switch to 19 because there were very few people on my sever that played 29's.

Porksoda said:
I like twinking much better now that xp is turned off. No more nubs in the bgs and it's more balanced and organised. I do like the idea of everyone making 29's to play with. Each class would have more abilities and some classes like palys would be able to play more roles like dps that they can't do at 19 very well. My first twink was a 29 I made before the xp was turned off. I had to switch to 19 because there were very few people on my sever that played 29's.

Biggest load of shit I've ever read. 10-19 will never, ever be balanced.
Cool story bro.

...OH and each individual can decide what they do. HF @ l29 if you think it's any better.

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