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  1. US Anything New?

    Seems a bit odd to scale down the gear if you get templated anyways. I mean mastery is the only thing low levels don't have so they could just you know remove the mastery passive if they were so worried about that, and the gear scales down to the same ilvl anyways so why not just let them keep...
  2. US Anything New?

    That's kind of neat. Can people with XP turned off do it with XP on or nah? I wonder how it would scale my level 70's gear if I were to join 19 or 20.
  3. US Anything New?

    Thank you very much! That party sync thing seems pretty neat. What's that all about? :o
  4. US Anything New?

    Just came back after not playing for 4-5 months. Anything changed that I need to bother with?
  5. US Belt/Shoulder/Pants Service

  6. US Belt/Shoulder/Pants Service

    Just looking for shoulders tbh.
  7. US Belt/Shoulder/Pants Service

    Are you also on BH alliance?
  8. WTS Level 20 Epics US-Bleeding Hollow Alliance

    I have multiple - Feathered Headdress - Boulder Pads - Black Ogre Kickers (lol, will basically give this away) Also looking for someone to do shoulder enchants.
  9. Getting into non twink bgs with xpoff still possible

    People have been exploiting twinks since Classic though with Zul'gurub enchants. You probably have an enchant on your shoulders right now.
  10. Getting into non twink bgs with xpoff still possible

    The sad part is most people adapt by not playing the game. I mean exploiting is never good, but blizzard seems to have really shitty decisions. At least classic is soon!
  11. Getting into non twink bgs with xpoff still possible

    Isn't the entire point of playing f2p or making vets so you can bg and naturally play against levelers, other f2p who are shitty and don't know how to gear, and the like? I don't see why people dislike it other than 29s shitting on your parade. I've only had my sub out for like 3 days so far and...
  12. Haste Negligible on Druids

    I'm playing a vet and just noticed it was strange when shifty who had 27 int goggles (over my green lens with 10vers/8haste) and some other pieces with no haste on them was doing huge burst, but still had the same cast times as me. I guess I could've went with quickblade shoulders. Oh well.
  13. Haste Negligible on Druids

    So I've been reading here and hearing from other twinks in game that Druid wants haste over crit for their spells in this bracket. With their stat priority looking like Int > Vers > Haste > Crit. But recently I've found out that from 4.9% to 10% haste the cast time on every single spell is...
  14. Getting into non twink bgs with xpoff still possible

    If you mean the method that has already been leaked that requires blocking blizzard IPs through your firewall then it's so much more liable to get you banned.
  15. Best Racials

    I found at least the base stat of Dark Iron dwarf for agility is 0 instead of -4 like normal dwarves. I leveled a nelf rogue up to 20, got it naked and compared to a dark iron level 20 rogue. The nelf had 61 agility 48 stamina while the dark iron had 57 agi 49 stamina (nelves have +4 agility...
  16. Best Racials

    Ok, but no one mentioned the base stats of any of the allied races. I already knew nelf had the most agility of the original races. But if Dark Iron dwarf is like -2 agi or even 0 agi with their busted racial then that would be better (and easier to just shit them out and reroll quests).
  17. Best Racials

    Which races in this bracket have the best racials and best base stats for a Rogue? Why is there no list for this? Allied races included, horde and/or alliance. Thanks
  18. EU+US Quest Upgrades to Farm for Outlaw?

    That chest and gloves over Soothsayer's and Sparkproof/Serpentis'?
  19. Treasure Chests

    Is there any point to farming them on 19/20s? The items from them don't seem to scale (I looted a few and they were too high level items for me so I stopped looting them).
  20. EU Hunt for BvB

    It's cool and fun to show off, but ultimately lower dps than other easier farmable options UNLESS you just happen to be the luckiest man alive and get it to proc epic as well.