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  1. Level 60 Account

    Also you do not need another client. Vanilla accounts simply don't allow you to zone into northrend / outlands, and don't do a whole lot more than that since it blocks you from almost everything that way, as well as limiting you to 1 xp away from 61.
  2. 60 Warrior...Armor pen?

    First off your arp numbers are wrong, I just checked on my warrior and with 17 slots or 340 armor pen, you get ~79.7% arp not 90. You may have accidentally added the battle stance arp into that number by instinct. Of course you can hard cap arp with a mace but maces blow in the long run, I've...
  3. MC, BWL, and Thunderfury not going anywhere.

    this is doubling as a bump because there are a half million people that ought to read this... but I have been wondering all this time, what about AQ? I've heard no mention of AQ and they are planning to change silithus..?
  4. 60 Twink Bis Lists

    I believe he also has 450 engineering judging by the goggles, I can't imagine that he'd be using gnomish battle goggles or whatever with all of their 28 stamina. Do DKs even have ibf at 60? Cause if not I think that would really cripple their fcing.. and I think I'd still rather have a...
  5. 60 Twink PvP - Horde <Luge Crash Survivor>

    aw shit.. so that's where kegs went... now that I got a classic account I will have to look into the possibility of making a twink here :-)
  6. 60 Warrior Weapon Spec: Axe vs. Sword

    First off, the 130-ish number was for the OFF HAND of a fury warrior. It's alot higher on a mainhand weapon of an arms warrior, by a lot I would imagine. Probably in the realm of 200+ static ap.. with a 65% uptime, you can pretty much expect it to be there more often than not. Battletoad what...
  7. Division of forum subgroups

    Besides, 69s do technically exist still, they just aren't active at the moment. I'd say it's pretty reasonable to think they could make a return at some point *cough* cataclsym?
  8. 60 Warrior Weapon Spec: Axe vs. Sword

    As a mainhand weapon for say, an arms warrior, berserking is just up way too much to not take it over 110 ap. I don't have math to prove it but from experience, berserking is far superior, to the point I wouldn't argue anything else for this situation.
  9. whats hardest to play? paladin/warrior

    You clearly missed the point, I was trying to SHOW how trivial the decision was. But none the less, if you were to chose the wrong skill, despite how minor the consequences would be, you wouldn't be playing the class to its fullest.
  10. whats hardest to play? paladin/warrior

    This is a silly debate. The two classes require different skill and have varying results. On a ret paladin you can be pretty stupid and get away with it, but it IS actually hard to truly play the class to its fullest. There are alot of simple moment to moment decisions you have to make on a...
  11. 60 Warrior Weapon Spec: Axe vs. Sword

    Having played around with this at level 80, even after the buff to sword spec, axe spec is far superior (and this is on a human so sword even has an advantage). However, since you are buying a grand marshal weapon, I'd HONESTLY buy the claymore for ____ and giggles (is it ok to swear here? will...
  12. Level 60 Fury spec advice

    Wow alot of really helpful posts here! Ones that totally answered his question! *puts serious face back on* So first off, in terms of 1h vs Titan's grip, there is no reason you can't look at lvl 80 where it's been thoroughly tested (yes I am aware that this is the only way you can get...
  13. A few questions about 60 twinking

    Fighting 69s successfully is certainly a blast but honestly.. with most classes you are purely relying on them being retarded. Any lvl 69 with some northrend greens and half a brain can knock you down. (The exception to this rule of course being ret paladins, you can still beat competent 69s...
  14. 60 AV, making a comeback.

    Hmm.. Am I missing something? I logged on my 60 and queued for an AV and it was 60-70. Not sure why I'd bother playing against people geared 2 expansions ahead of me, imagine how many more GLGs I would have to QQ about :-(
  15. Green Lens

    Ah completely slipped my mind that you can no longer get lenses with stats. So yes these are very valuable :P
  16. 60 twinks! listen up

    I dunno, we've had a few AVs pop on saturdays in Cyclone, but after 1 game the alliance all stop queueing because they get their faces smashed in. Not so easy when it's 25 v 25 instead of 40 v 15.
  17. 69 rogue, crit strike rating?

    Well... if you wanna be a TRUE glass cannon, you would gem AP. But agility will give you better return. Make sure you think it through though, most 69s are some breed of paladin and death knight, so an ambush rogue may not be the answer.
  18. Armor Penetration stacking?

    Well first off it's a great idea if you're fighting plate / mail most of the time, which you are. About axe spec: there's more reasons than just specing for the best weapon available at 69, poleaxe spec is also more beneficial than any other weapon spec point for point. If you gotta add some...
  19. Green Lens

    Are lenses really valuable / rare enough to sell on the forums?
  20. Forum Game: Damage & Heal

    Warrior - 503 Priest - 511 Warlock - 499 Rogue 493 Hunter - 500 Mage - 505 Paladin - 503 Druid - 523 Shaman - 505 Death Knight - 456 Heal warrior, damage paladin.