60 Warrior Weapon Spec: Axe vs. Sword

For Grand Marshall weapon, until I get DEoI.

Also, I need suggestions with enchants for 2H, 1H (Prot PvP) and Shield. I was thinking 110 AP / 65 AP / 18 Stamina.

The World of Warcraft Armory - Nyxis @ Zul'jin - Profile

When I'm arms I use my dark edge, and axe spec for the crit, sword spec is nice, but no sword compares with dark edge's disorient proc, and its raw dps.

however right now I'm titans grip fury for fun in AV. Dark edge + untamed blade does some SRS damage, and I don't even have gem sockets.

As for Enchants:

2h: 110 AP. At this bracket, you dont wanna rely on a berserk or a crusader proc with such a slow weapon with all the new changes to spells and talents in a pvp enviroment.

1h: Mongoose, 65 AP, or lifeward. either of these is nice.

Shield: 20 def, 18 stam, or a spike of your choice.

just do axe with gm axe if you're planning on getting DEoI. saves money on respec. plus ive never been overwhelmed by the proc rate on sword spec - also remember that if can miss, glance, be dodge, parried, blocked, etc and it cant proc off itself anymore (iirc). in the land of no resil, 5% more crit ftw

as for enchants.....slow weapons will proc it more than a fast weapon, so that logic is wrong. its up to you if you want a static 110 ap or chance at 400 (berserking) or 200 + small heal (crusader) on a 2h

for a 1h mongoose, crusader, 65 ap all good, not a big fan of lifeward but if you want it...go for it

And Zerker, you'll be dieing faster than a Pally or Shaman anyways. And don't do lifeward unless it's on the 1h Axe from Hakkar.
Having played around with this at level 80, even after the buff to sword spec, axe spec is far superior (and this is on a human so sword even has an advantage). However, since you are buying a grand marshal weapon, I'd HONESTLY buy the claymore for ____ and giggles (is it ok to swear here? will check rules in a sec). The grand marshal axe looks like garbage and making a 60 twink is at least half about looking like a badass. But yes, axe spec IS superior to sword spec even at level 80 where the cards are stacked against crit and crit damage (resil douple dips to reduce crit damage).

For those of you arguing about enchants, berserking is far superior to any of the others listed, even in the offhand as TG, berserking yields more average attack power than 110 (somewhere around 130 I believe?).

On the one hander you probably want mongoose just for survival, and the shield is debatable. Many will say 18 stamina, but what they don't know is that unless you are healed to full after you equip the shield, you won't gain ANYTHING from that 18 stamina. And if I get healed to full then what is the problem? This is why I recommend 12 resilience to shield, those 12 resilience will help you even if you don't receive heals between equipping the shield and taking damage. Now this does change if you have the shield equipped before you go into combat, in which case I'd stick with the 18 stamina.

Now for your prot set, I would go with the 18 stamina, but probably berserking to weapon, the more attack power the merrier!
fuck yea you can say "shits"

yea claymore looks cool....but id rather melt faces then look cool. get both if you want a town set and a pvp set. or just use sword spec and know you could be doing better.

asl for enchants....that 130 is more for pve fights though. in pvp a lot of the procs wont get full use b/c a) it will proc mid fight and you'll have the remaining time with no enemies, or b) it'll proc when you kill them and really waste it. or it just wont proc. whereas that 110 ap is always there. its a personal choice; berserking isnt far and away better...it can go either way depending on your playstyle
Falkor said:
fuck yea you can say "shits"

yea claymore looks cool....but id rather melt faces then look cool. get both if you want a town set and a pvp set. or just use sword spec and know you could be doing better.

asl for enchants....that 130 is more for pve fights though. in pvp a lot of the procs wont get full use b/c a) it will proc mid fight and you'll have the remaining time with no enemies, or b) it'll proc when you kill them and really waste it. or it just wont proc. whereas that 110 ap is always there. its a personal choice; berserking isnt far and away better...it can go either way depending on your playstyle

On that same token, 110 AP is always 110 AP, even when youre not using it. Whereas berserking is 400 AP ONLY when youre killing stuff. i personally enjoy the burst potential of zerking and the fact that its only there when i need it. trust me in AV, after i kill a target, I can find another.
except its not always there when you need it....which is the point.
As a mainhand weapon for say, an arms warrior, berserking is just up way too much to not take it over 110 ap. I don't have math to prove it but from experience, berserking is far superior, to the point I wouldn't argue anything else for this situation.
if berserking is an average 130..thats not anything crazy compared to 110. and you dont have math b/c its not really something you can track. all you can do is test the average ap from attacking a dummy. but pvp is a lot more dynamic and fast paced. fact is it can proc like crazy sometimes and be really useful, or not proc at all and do nothing. its all personal preference if you want that constant 110 or wanna rely on a proc for potentially more burst. cant go wrong with either choice, you just gotta pick
Falkor said:
except its not always there when you need it....which is the point.

Every time im attacking something I swear there is a little pumped up arm in the corner of my screen.

Also, back to the "average of 130 AP" thing. That is constantly attacking a target. PvP is sporadic, you will have much more then an average of 130 AP with berserking when you're sporadically doing battle in a BG. With any type of PPM weapon they are more effective in PvP due to the fact that you are not attacking a target for the entireity of a BG, so youre more likely to get procs when theyre actually needed.
First off, the 130-ish number was for the OFF HAND of a fury warrior. It's alot higher on a mainhand weapon of an arms warrior, by a lot I would imagine. Probably in the realm of 200+ static ap.. with a 65% uptime, you can pretty much expect it to be there more often than not. Battletoad what you are saying is slightly flawed (you are thinking this has an internal cooldown which it does not). And Falkor, you COULD make a good estimate with math and some testing, but yes it would not be 100% accurate.

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