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  1. Pilgrims Bounty Completeable?

    The game is out for more then 5 years, by the time everyone should got the clue that the instance lvl limit is the hardcoded and ruling factor (eg over an inctancequeue gnome servant). Anyway, finding ways to achieve stuff that go along with the game is OK, but (trying) to e.g abuse patchflaws...
  2. Twinks! Prepare your Hearth Stones before 4.0.3a!

    my hs was dala and stayed dala after patch , so doubt ur theory :P
  3. Excessive Magic Resistance in 4.0.3a?

    check ur chars tab resistance tooltips ,e.g tooltip wise i get ~ 30% arcane dmg REDUCTION and with my anti fire gear > 45% reduction [39] , thats alot caster nerf so - spellpene will be quite important now - maybe even more then +hit was before 40x and that keeshans thing is a killer :P
  4. Pilgrims Bounty Completeable?

    /facepalm Bypassing a Dungeon-QUEUE level limit and bypassing a DUNGEON level limit are two COMPLETELY different things! Sometimes i have the feeling that greediness stopping ppls brain working. Ppl can/coud do horseman because sm generally allowed them to enter - there is NO chance to...
  5. 39 - New trinkets - All classes

    count 1 out of 4 , on cata wowhead - so he + the trinket is still in game , unless it not from an official server
  6. Pest Control

    thx for dat info, alrdy smelld that some beetles escaped the sacred stone halls as blind passenger in the bags of some JP farmer :P
  7. 39 - New trinkets - All classes

    hm, it doesnt affekt my trinketqueue priority list (esp as engineer:), far form beeing permanent in slot trinkets mho (at least as caster). nice finds though ! btw epl, am im the only one that thinks blizzard overdid it a bit with new flightpaths in the zone(s), esp epl ? .. need a...
  8. Rainbow Generator

    no one here stumbled across the name ? :P add the word "number" after rainbow and google .P
  9. [Patch 4.0.3a] Enchant Cloak - Stealth

    + stealth would be better tbh :P
  10. [eu - 39] bg 11/17

    this are good news, since i rather have a bracket "punished" then the no-xp group. So we have xp-on ppl on our sides what makes it a bit more important for blizzard to fix
  11. [eu - 39] bg 11/17

    could be also that trhe merge wasnt applied to the no-xp faction. But i dont have infos yet from other brackets to support this assumption
  12. [eu - 39] bg 11/17

    seems only Blackout ppl got games running, ppl from other battlegroups been in queue for ages today but didnt get a popup. IRCs Channel looks promising btw. Should get most 39s into it, working on it with the guys i know
  13. Official Queue Times Thread for all XP off Brackets

    @OP - before u go official, pls l2 distuingish US and EU Bg pools :P - 1 thread for us queue and 1 for eu would be nice
  14. Time to farm these items and enchant them with 60+ enchant before cata hits?

    I am quite sure, that blizz will change the way enchanting enchants work. I bet they add the same mechanism that applies to shoulder/leg/head enchants. IF THE PLAYER doesnt fit the req level for the enchant , the enchants will be just inactive - but stays on the gear/weapons. Especially if...
  15. Jewelcrafting

    make a dk with pale horse and lvl up mining on him - saves u gold and maybe time later on
  16. 375 enchanting is not a bug

    though by this, im quite sure u come to a point where even the dumbest find out that too much wow is somehow waste of ur lifetime :)
  17. 375 enchanting is not a bug

    wonder, why blizz steps out of the line with enchanting regarding skilllimit, cant see a reason yet. How does it help normal levelers ?
  18. First Aid Changes ?

    Somehow im sure they ll add a lvl requirement to the bandages, in analogy to the lifeblood lvl req. - Lets see, i hope not, but better be prepared mentally :P
  19. Dungeons Are Changing More than We Thought

    that and besides, u will only remeber the hard days/things in wow - not the softwashed crap
  20. First Aid Changes ?

    Hm, maybe this is old news (slap if), but just stumbled across the 1aid trainer and seeing now that the different Stages (Artisan, Master, etc) have level requirements. thats is : stage, req. skill, req. lvl ------------------------------------ Artisan, 200...