Pilgrims Bounty Completeable?


Okay, so I remember reading somewhere that it was technically possible to circumvent the holiday bosses Dungeon Finder queue to complete Hallows End achievements at low level.

So has anyone tried and been able to get in and do "Terrokar Turkey Time" and defeat Talon King Ikiss at low level? It`s all I need to complete Pilgrims Bounty and get the pet and title on my level 39 twink.

Wasn`t it something like make a group and then drop one and get an /inv from a group member once in there to bypass the dungeon level requirements, or something?

Any info appreciated!
I'm not sure but I think that was for SM graveyard, since low-level could get in SM.
Ive seen a 39 with the hallowed title; I see no reason why this title isn't obtainable.
Becaue the only things that stop you from hallowed is the HHM kill, which could be achieved by dropping some1 from your dungeon group and inviting some1 else in. Since you can get in SM at level 39 it was possible.
stupid people...that is lvl 60-70 instance that u can't enter at low lvls ( 60 and lower ).....loling heehe

Bypassing a Dungeon-QUEUE level limit and bypassing a DUNGEON level limit are two COMPLETELY different things!

Sometimes i have the feeling that greediness stopping ppls brain working.

Ppl can/coud do horseman because sm generally allowed them to enter - there is NO chance to get in any instance below its (hardcoded) minimum lvl limit.

no nada niet nix

and btw the achi boss kill for pilgrim is NOT an boss event - usually ppl just go to auchi, enter it and kill the boss (solo at 80)
There are numerous bugs/problems when patches go live (flying in Azeroth atm anyone?). Things like this are always worth a shot, just in case. Rather than hurling abuse and derogatory comments to one another, let`s actually work together for a common answer?

I tried this early today, just so I could get a definitive answer for myself, for "peace of mind", if you will. I joined with a friend and we got a queue for normal Sethekk Halls. I was made leader, my friend then left the group. I used /inv [charname] and my twink actually joined the group. Upon trying to use the teleport function by the minimap (the whole idea, hoping for a possible bug or circumvent), I was told in yellow in the chatbox something along the lines of "You must level xx to enter this instance".

So the above are correct it is not possible. However, should we just take anyones word for it, or actually try it out for ourselves for affirmation?

Isn`t experimentation and exploration a large part of this game, or are we sheep to the slaughter for what anyone and everyone says? :p
The game is out for more then 5 years, by the time everyone should got the clue that the instance lvl limit is the hardcoded and ruling factor (eg over an inctancequeue gnome servant). Anyway, finding ways to achieve stuff that go along with the game is OK, but (trying) to e.g abuse patchflaws to achive stuff is clearly exploitation and mho(!) doesnt belong here, - there are other sites that deal with game exploits :p

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