Excessive Magic Resistance in 4.0.3a?

I don't know if this is a bug or working as intended, or even if this was present before 4.0.3a, but all racial resistances are now the same as your level. A 29 draenei has 29 shadow resistance, a 49 tauren has 49 nature resistance, etc. When you have your level's worth of resistance, that equals just over 28% resistance (at any level).

Combine that with the new glyph of healing stream totem, via which a shaman can boost fire, frost, and nature resistance by the same amount as your level, again. So a tauren could reach 28% fire and frost resistance, and 57% nature resistance. And that's before any additional gear or enchants.

This is way too early to know the consequences of this, which may be very small. But if I were a dps caster, I'd fear not being able to stack nearly enough spell penetration.
Im guessing its working as intended, blizzard never bothers to scale ratings below the lvl cap unless you have 80% of dodge or w/e then it gets nerfed.

Paladins lost their resistance aura's untill lvl 77 so overall resistance stacking is less of a problem, the glyphed healing stream totem sounds sounds pretty op to me.

EDIT: just logged on my 80 tauren druid and the 80 nature resistance was giving me 16% nature reduction, that does seem like a lot maybe it will scale very well untill lvl 85 though.
All I know is a mage try to sheep me three times today and I fully resisted two of them in a row with no resistance gear. ;)
Duckhunt said:
All I know is a mage try to sheep me three times today and I fully resisted two of them in a row with no resistance gear. ;)

Yeah its pretty rediculous. Even at 80 i have 16.67% resist without motw up on my druid. Theres no way that this can be intentional.... it must scale so much worse at 85.
check ur chars tab resistance tooltips ,e.g tooltip wise i get ~ 30% arcane dmg REDUCTION and with my anti fire gear > 45% reduction [39] , thats alot caster nerf

so - spellpene will be quite important now - maybe even more then +hit was before 40x

and that keeshans thing is a killer :p
At 39, I have 39 NR as NE. It doesn't stack with MotW afaik which gives 19 overall resistances. So yeah, spell penetration on cloak will be a must.
in before glancealot creaming his pants over nature resistance
Also noticed that huge resi buff, but on the other hand it seems only to reduce damage, not increasing to resist spels like fear etc.
You can resist purges with nature resistance.

I did some experimenting today. Apparently, racial resistances, the healing stream totem glyph, and the Blessing of Kings do not stack at all with each other. You simply get the highest possible resistance of whichever affects you. Resistance bonuses from gear then stack on top of that. That's still a lot of resistance, but not insurmountable with gear and enchantments.

This does mean that if you play a fire or frost mage or elemental shaman in any bracket above 19, if you don't stack spell penetration, you could easily lose more than 28% of your overall damage.
Bwappo said:
You can resist purges with nature resistance.

I did some experimenting today. Apparently, racial resistances, the healing stream totem glyph, and the Blessing of Kings do not stack at all with each other. You simply get the highest possible resistance of whichever affects you. Resistance bonuses from gear then stack on top of that. That's still a lot of resistance, but not insurmountable with gear and enchantments.

This does mean that if you play a fire or frost mage or elemental shaman in any bracket above 19, if you don't stack spell penetration, you could easily lose more than 28% of your overall damage.

Err, isn't fire the LEAST affected? Since no one has a fire resist racial? Or how does it work out for blood elves? Do they get 1*level to ALL resistances (in other words, holy shit?)

Also, it's Blizzard being dumb again. Notice that the old Vanilla resistance buffs (auras, totems, aspects, etc) were 60 at 60, but at 80 they're now 130. I'm sure 85 is going to have a similar jump in "rating". 85 resistance at 85 is probably ~5% reduction... but since the ratings don't scale linearly in reduction down to level 1, they're way overpowered for anyone under level-cap.
Gaela said:
Also noticed that huge resi buff, but on the other hand it seems only to reduce damage, not increasing to resist spels like fear etc.

It applies to damage and resisting spells.

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