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  1. If f2p wow realms were kids in highschool .

    ok so if cairne isint gay then we are racchet sluts d
  2. If f2p wow realms were kids in highschool .

    What about the five of us who play on Cairne? We are a small community (three people consistently: Beastzen/highbreed/bully, shootingscar/grazant and that bitch lil who left) We are the gay sluts that just sleep around with each other and make perpetuate the stereotypes about gays.
  3. Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

    im scared about what will happen with the stat squishing. were going to be hitting for 10 damage and as a balance druid im full int gear which makes my dots tick for 41 and not 35. that small, nuanced change will be canceld out by the new changes with stat squsiihgng and im suprised that nobody...
  4. inta stacked boomy

    and haste is tough to work with in this bracket. you need a full haste set just to squeeze out one more tick of your dots while an int set can make all yor dots tick for more then ten a piece which is a much larger damage boost then an extra 25 damage off of a weak dot tick
  5. inta stacked boomy

    If your going for a true SP build you should try to copy mine (Boomerzz @ Cairne - Community - World of Warcraft). some people make their boomies hybrids so that they have more hp and increased survivability (i only have arround 1790 hp in bgs) at the very least get seal of argas and one +7...
  6. 24's Question :)

    nooo dont play 24 unless u play somet hing super underpowerd. its not nice to wreck bgs ;{
  7. Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 3 posts!

    Re: Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 10 posts! cant figure it out
  8. Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 3 posts!

    Re: Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 10 posts! how do i make a signature with my armory link in it?
  9. Level 70 Rogue saying hello to all!

    yay swag
  10. Optimal level for PvP

    or go lvl 24. you can get superior gear and hit alot harder then 20s with gnomer gear and enchant more stuff. a lvl 24 protadin, war, hunter or spriest can top teh boards with no skill
  11. Optimal level for PvP

    f2p lvl 20 is the best. rol lhuntard and u rape.
  12. Basically Casual

    cuz yoloswag #lilbpack #tylb
  13. Basically Casual

    larning forum, cant wait to post
  14. Well, hello.

    im in the same position. been playing f2p for a long tine and just want to post
  15. Im new and i want to find a new server to dominate

    Hey yall, i just realized i should make an account on here. i currently play balance druid on H-cairne, a crappy, mid pop pve server thats mainly noobs and has 0 twinking pop. what server should i make my new toons on and yolo Boomerzz @ Cairne - Community - World of Warcraft
  16. Due to some regrettable decisions, I ended up F2P on Draka...

    what server would you suggest for new toons? i mainly play on cairne due to my stupidity