inta stacked boomy


decided to play a boomy for a while and after completing my haste set (which was supper dooper fun) i decided to see how much inta i could stack,

im missing the two trinks (1 after dmf and hopfully none after arathi CTA) and tree bark jacket but bfd hates me and wont drop anything remotely rare, getting my bronze band of force tomorrow and a mystic tome when i pick up inscription after dmf (dose anyone know if u can drop inscription and keep using this or is it like flying tiger goggles?)

anywho transmog is non existent atm so ignore that and thanks in advance :D

Ferell @ Mazrigos - Community - World of Warcraft
If your going for a true SP build you should try to copy mine (Boomerzz @ Cairne - Community - World of Warcraft). some people make their boomies hybrids so that they have more hp and increased survivability (i only have arround 1790 hp in bgs) at the very least get seal of argas and one +7 int trinket. it really does make a big difference when it comes to damage output. in my stam set which is all caster gear but has 1990 hp, my dots only tick for 24 a piece while in my int set they tick for 38. thats a huge difference and really adds up.
and haste is tough to work with in this bracket. you need a full haste set just to squeeze out one more tick of your dots while an int set can make all yor dots tick for more then ten a piece which is a much larger damage boost then an extra 25 damage off of a weak dot tick

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