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  1. I think blizzard is stupid

    Re: I think blizzard is retarded At least it was a starter account. While some of these twink BiS items like the fishing hat or AGM is a pain in the arse, imagine having to go through a long leveling process and re-gearing with a 90! But, the gearing itself is not too obnoxious if you do...
  2. We were all noobs once, too.

    A difference must be made between a noob and a newb. We have all been newbs at some point but learn. The community teaches this to some degree. Do not believe me? Try showing up in a BG with greens. Someone will "educate" you very quick. A noob, on the other hand never wants to learn. The...
  3. hows ap looking

    Was not saying everyone should forgo dungeon gear just for the existing WSG honor gear. Was saying they should redo honor gear to where you, if you like to do nothing but BGs, should never have to set foot in an instance or have to seek quest or dungeon gear. I tolerate dungeons. Because I...
  4. Bye WoW

    Well, I did know of two or three folks that successfully quit WoW and not just take a break for months and come back or dabble in other games. One dude would stay up really late and show up to work worthless. After he lost his warehouse job, his live in girlfriend supported him for a bit while...
  5. hows ap looking

    Yeah, within random dungeons and even in P2P higher level dungeons and raids there appears to be a disturbing d{ck movement where everybody rolls for everything whether they need it or not. It is not just the character you mentioned so makes no point to call them out. Personally, the dungeon...
  6. Music thread for ure gaming !

    Hmm... everybody using youtube for the in game music needs. Well, I usually steam difm. Digitally Imported - addictive electronic music I fell in love with trance when listening to the old vanilla WoW Dopefish exploration videos back in the day. Nothing beats some smooth vocal trance and...
  7. Farewell Fellow F2P's ;o

    In a way I kind of envy you. Some of those new BGs sound pretty damn fun. Only thing is I found with P2P with the max level stuff is after I got all my honor gear I got at an impasse where I could not get further. On the server I was on last time I paid, I had plenty of folks that wanted to que...
  8. hows ap looking

    Aerie Peak, at least hordeside, always has folks on. There are P2Ps on to help with premades and some chat to scroll through in you chat log. AP is great for F2Ps. Now, as far as if you ever decide to subscribe, I do not think AP would be a good realm to subscribe on. Except during peak...
  9. Bye WoW

    Well, it is like anything else. Moderation. It is not that MMOs or games are particularly addictive. It is that they provide challenge if you have a life/job that does not challenge you, is not very interesting. Double that if you actually get into some position where you are a valuable part...
  10. F2P Movies Thread

    I managed to put up one. However, I must admit, I am no where near as pro as some of you guys are because before F2P I never have played a warrior. In fact, due to the lappy set up I had when I recorded, I had to mouse click and keyboard turn which I hear is of the devil. But, I do not care...
  11. Which was more annoying...

    This is true. The 24 druids are much more OP than prot wars. I have seen a 24 druid get pounded on by 3 others and still not sweat, A prot warrior needs that one high damage ability just to compete. However, the cata hunter could still own the resto druids of that day.
  12. April fools

    Well, this year's April Fools is kind of lame as compared to some of the past ones. It is a ghost crab that acts like the Microsoft paper clip. I preferred the "epeen meter" ripoff of the whole gearscore thing, the "bard" that used guitar hero mechanics, and the 2 headed ogre that required 2...
  13. Which was more annoying...

    At least the prot warrior has to get on top of you. The cata hunter could rain instant death across the field with much less effort AND had a pet that could solo many BiS 20 F2P classes.
  14. Which side is the weakest.

    Kind of a funny question. Alliance seems to field pugs of mostly 24s for some reason in almost all BGs I have been in for some reason. i begin to wonder sometimes if F2P mostly only rolls horde as I never see near as many 20 ally. Ironically, though they still lose 50 percent of the time still...
  15. If wow becomes fully F2P... ?

    I disagree. The whole appeal of being a twink is that while there is a gear grind, your character can be "complete" and at least have some advantage against those that are not "complete", 24s notwithstanding. Even if WoW went F2P, you would still have twinks because some folks absolutely hate...
  16. If wow becomes fully F2P... ?

    WoW probably will not as long as it has millions of folks willing to pay 15 USD a month plus occasional expansions every year or so. BUT - considering for a minute, I am not sure we want a F2P WoW. Almost all these F2P games are not really F2P. Either they are glorified trials with extreme...