Farewell Fellow F2P's ;o


Hey guys, I know I'm not very well known here but I played in the F2P bracket for quite some time back in Cataclysm. I have tried to enjoy my F2P rogue in Bg's once again during this expansion, however I'm not really happy with the way things are going. Since I'm lacking a main account now on retail, I've decided to buy P2P on my rogue and will be leveling him through Exp-on battlegrounds.

Just thought I'd say my goodbyes ^_^ was fun playing with you guys while it lasted. I may come back to F2P in the future.
I just killed you in the last wsg on my 24 rogue :). Ah well, enjoy your future endeavours, friend!
Good luck, have fun.

Though I did laugh at your rage quit. ^_^
Haha well it's mostly because my main account on retail got banned, so I don't want to be stuck playing F2P forever since i got a lot of friends that play 90s, however i'll probably stop at 70 for a bit if they're still any good.
Id suggest just starting back from level 1 for your P2P main instead of lvling ur tink

Good luck with ur p2p adventures sir
Still interested in twinking in guilds in any bracket if anybody is willing to fund non boa toons, but I don't think anybody really does that anymore :S

My rogue is now neebpwner @ frostwolf leveling with a friend.
I second the suggestion to keep your f2p and level a fresh retail toon.

Link the accounts. But keep the f2p. I leveled a f2p to 85 at the end of cata, and I still regret the decision.
Hey guys, I know I'm not very well known here but I played in the F2P bracket for quite some time back in Cataclysm. I have tried to enjoy my F2P rogue in Bg's once again during this expansion, however I'm not really happy with the way things are going. Since I'm lacking a main account now on retail, I've decided to buy P2P on my rogue and will be leveling him through Exp-on battlegrounds.

Just thought I'd say my goodbyes ^_^ was fun playing with you guys while it lasted. I may come back to F2P in the future.

See ya Wuts. Had some good times in cata. Maybe ill see you at 90. Just promise to not to throwrogue me.

Or make a new toon on alliance.
In a way I kind of envy you. Some of those new BGs sound pretty damn fun.

Only thing is I found with P2P with the max level stuff is after I got all my honor gear I got at an impasse where I could not get further. On the server I was on last time I paid, I had plenty of folks that wanted to que with me for randoms to gear up. But, no one wanted to allow you to do Rated BGs without a rating. Of course, you can not get a rating without an RBG so begins the paradox. Lord forbid you were certain classes that were out of favor or overpopulated for that time.

....and I detest arenas. It is all some "comp" and no room to experiment with off the wall things that might be fun. I like BGs and the massive war happening. Also, some of those guys on the server I was on were kind of anal about gladiator rating too even if they themselves were barely making it. God, what happened to just playing and having fun? Putting effort in your character and not showing up in greens and having +resil is one thing, but really...

Hope it ends up good for you though. That Temple BG from what I heard is mad fun.

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