Which was more annoying...

Which was more Annoying...

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I was having a bat on D and still got third damage. Prot too stronk.
Absolutely definitely cata hunters. Shield slam is admittedly over powered but on a 6 second cooldown most healers should be able to cope, even if warbringer stuns them for the 3 secs I think it is. Hunters had more utility in dominating the mid and keeping you away from EFC, they have a higher stream dps, and are really annoying kiters.
I find hunters much more annoying than prot warriors even now - it's not even close if we're comparing warrs to cata hunters. I think most people who find shield slam more annoying are either forgetting what it was like or played a cata hunter themselves.

Hunters were the OP class before. They had very few direct counters and there were tons of them around. Four mediocre hunters could completely lock down mid and control a game. A lot of games were decided by who had more hunters (and thus Ally was consistently the dominant faction).

If I see an opposing team with 4 prot warriors, I think "lol, 4 prot warriors". If I saw an opposing team with 4 hunters in Cata, I thought "fuuuuuuuuuck, 4 hunters".
Prot warriors aren't even remotely OP. Healers can work around a 6 second high damaging ability, its all prots have.

Hunters can still kite you forever.

Rogues can still 1v1 you.

Are they better then they have been in the past? Absolutely.
Are they OP? No.
Obviously the Cataclysm hunter was more annoying.

Sure, prot warriors hit harder, but they're melee. Remember that. They have charge, yes, but if you're a great player, and play your cards correct, you can get away and hopefully get out of LOS before they charge again and just run until they lose interest if you're positive you can't beat him. Even better if you're ranged, really, especially if you're a hunter or if you can immobilize the warrior. Kite and stuff.

Cata huntards were obviously the most annoying ones out there. They didn't hit nearly as hard unless they were Marksman or a lucky beastmaster, but they still hit deadly hard. Remember too that this was before the resilience buff. They had amazing utility, a spammable daze, disengage, a few immobilizes, a pet which does great damage, and tons of abilities they could spam that does considerable damage and some had great damage. Nobody could kill a cata hunter unless: A) You're skilled. B) You're a feral druid C) You're a hunter B) you're have a heal and a few ranged attacks and maybe a few melees and a stun (Pally). A god-tier skilled hunter was literally unbeatable back then.

Back then, hunters had high damage, could kite, and were ranged.

Here, prot warriors have OP damage, but are melee and can be easily kited, even through charges if you played correctly. A lot of classes can beat them if played by a very skilled player.

Point is, both are OP, but I'd much prefer to fight against a prot warrior than an early-MoP Hpally or Cata huntard.
At least the prot warrior has to get on top of you.

The cata hunter could rain instant death across the field with much less effort AND had a pet that could solo many BiS 20 F2P classes.
I still maintain that most talk about warriors being OP is just smoke and mirrors to divert attention from how completely broken druids and pallys are right now.
I'm in the making of a thread about prot warriors, I'm constantly taking screenshots of my combat log after facing a prot warrior, you'll see what I mean in a few days/weeks, till then: I hate prot warriors more than cata hunters and no, I never played a cata hunter but I play 2 prot warriors (the nelf one is in existence since '11, and the second exists for a year now and just recently dinged 20(f2p twinked, dual agm, stendels, lfh etc on a lvl 2/6/10)) and I find it ridiculous what I crit for and how insanely easy I can kill good players just by spamming my shit with a brain and an objective in mind.

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catahunters was way more OP. mop wars with any type of heals.... you may as well take that pee you been holding :p
I still maintain that most talk about warriors being OP is just smoke and mirrors to divert attention from how completely broken druids and pallys are right now.

This is true. The 24 druids are much more OP than prot wars. I have seen a 24 druid get pounded on by 3 others and still not sweat, A prot warrior needs that one high damage ability just to compete.

However, the cata hunter could still own the resto druids of that day.
Hunters can shoot through stumps and hit you from 40 yards away, now and in Cata. I don't really see Warriors doing that. Aside they of Shield Slam how OP is a Prot Warrior? They aren't, and Evis can reach insane numbers aswell and that's from a stealth class.

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