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  1. Engineer Gnomish Net-Omatic will no longer be usable in Arena.

    Meh, I like this change tbh, makes it fairer for those without agm. However my 39 mage which I rolled specifically to use tidal charm and agm just got cockslapped in the face. Sigh.
  2. Why Engy? 29 Hunter

  3. Whats the best Shaman for lvl 39??

    Obviously not.
  4. @ Competetive 39's

    /sigh Way to get trolled Situation.
  5. @ Competetive 39's

    Oh you. I love reading these posts. Anywho, confirmed. I moved my toon over to nightfall and I typically get games from 4-6 est to late into the night, sometimes as late is 3 o clock in the night, usually 1 am though. quite frequently (oh, about once every day to once every 2...
  6. Revelosh's Armguards of the... Ret Pally?

    Was referring to the 20 ap random enchant with a 12 strength enchanting enchant.
  7. Revelosh's Armguards of the... Ret Pally?

    Monkey with 12 stam is your best bet. 20 ap with 12 str for an ap set.
  8. All 29s looking to get games

    Good to see Shadowburn twinks actually have common sense and didn't try to lie to the public about their dead bg like bloodlust players. See you all in Reckoning eventually!
  9. 29 Twinking Central BG (US)

    Sure, if you want a pos battlegroup with close to zero activity, badlust is all hype from people who want their bg to be 'the' bg. I posted on their 29 general thread a while back and the next post was like 2 days later, ACTIVE 29 COMMUNITY AMMIRITE BRO? Quit being silly and...
  10. All 29s looking to get games

    Too all you bloodlusters, we want to extend our battlegroup fortune to you guys and strongly encourage you ditch your shit hole of a battlegroup and transfer or reroll on over ;)
  11. @All 39 Twink Guilds

    I know. /sigh
  12. @All 39 Twink Guilds

    rly???? so shud i tranfur my mage off noightfail into emburstorm???????
  13. @All 39 Twink Guilds

    What about those who have already transferred to different battlegroups, It's a good idea but I doubt people will transfer twice and some won't even make the move once because it may not work out.
  14. 39s 0f Cyclone

    I would suggest just going to 49 ruin. It's amazing.
  15. 39s 0f Cyclone

    Jaedenar is where most of the cyclone people have went so far to my knowledge, and more on the way. It's pvp too. horde guild rolling there aswell. /shrug , might wanna consider it.
  16. 39s 0f Cyclone

    Transfer your drood, need those leet 76 rejuv ticks. Edit: ZOMG WHAT? YOU MEAN TO SAY THAT YOUR REJUVS WILL TICK FOR MORE THAN 76? Dream come fucking true. In the mean time I'll just have to settle for some silly balance druids rejuvs.
  17. 39s 0f Cyclone

    You gunna transfer your druid to nightfail?
  18. Cataclysmic Warlock Viability?

    Wall of text. They crit hard.
  19. video - more 2v2 clips (brumble/genetic/conka)

    Because he doesn't have any real reason to rend because he's not specced for taste for blood when he's arms so it becomes a rage dump sort of I guess.
  20. possibly xfering to reckoning.
