@ Competetive 39's

So I just came back after a couple months downtime from wow and see a ton of change...i went back to my formerly ridiculously populated bg to find every single wsg is a zamboni ride now? Wtf happened? (Cyclone btw). Where did everyone go? I wanted to make a new twink but is it even freaking worth it?

I really am looking for competetive wsg and good arena players. Do either of these exist anymore?
you have to turn your xp off to fight other twinks
sigh what? my what was a why would you even bother typing that. turning into pwndepot over here can't even ask questions anymore
as of 3.2 blizzard gave players an option to turn off there experience gain. When you turn of your xp (what all twinks did for obvious reasons you will go to a non-bg where all the twinks are at. from what im reading the ques are still pretty bad but they have there moments. i cant tell you exactly where to go to do this because i haven't played the game for like 4 months now and don't know where you go to turn off the xp.

not sure if that's what you meant by What? hope it helped a little :D
Ajiito said:
sigh what? my what was a why would you even bother typing that. turning into pwndepot over here can't even ask questions anymore

Maybe you should calm down a bit. And this place was always bad like pwndepot.
Ajiito said:

As the prior posters said.. Blizzard introduced an option in the last patch to turn off xp now that normal BG's give xp when certain things happen (flag capped / game won for example). Activity has gone down across the board just so you know. There are still a dedicated bunch of twinks on cyclone, mostly who do arena but this is a very different setting that we all play in know. If you really are focused on constant games (not going to talk about talent) then transferring to Nightfall might be the answer.
I knew someone would say it better than me eventually...

Alright well thanks for the clear up. Sorry powergloves i thought you were flaming me for no reason. Thanks grumpee and Athylle.

And Situation, this is Yalgar the Gnome Rogue, or Velocity the Dwarf hunter, doubt you remember me but we pubbed it up alot when the going was good. Obviously wasn't fully geared but still fun. Pro still playing pretty active? Is nightfall seriously the most active now? That's disgusting. Even or is it all freaking horde? Me and a buddy are just looking for somewhere we can arena and maybe get some 10's if that even happens anymore?
Ajiito said:
Alright well thanks for the clear up. Sorry powergloves i thought you were flaming me for no reason. Thanks grumpee and Athylle.

And Situation, this is Yalgar the Gnome Rogue, or Velocity the Dwarf hunter, doubt you remember me but we pubbed it up alot when the going was good. Obviously wasn't fully geared but still fun. Pro still playing pretty active? Is nightfall seriously the most active now? That's disgusting. Even or is it all freaking horde? Me and a buddy are just looking for somewhere we can arena and maybe get some 10's if that even happens anymore?

brumble genetic and conka are pretty active still. haven't seen any other Pro members on anymore

nightfall is the most active in bgs, cyclone is the most skilled and most active in arena
Each server seems to have a certain series that regularly calls people who have XP turned off.

Unfortunately, my server is NOT the 30's. I still have NEVER yet been called to battle. When I see 19's or 29's running around in ORG I ask them. The 19s are being called FAST. I am SO Jealous.

I am just waiting it our right now and see if Bliz combines the Battlegroups for those with xp off. That would be the perfect world - if I move I lose the boa stuff for my alts.

So I am just farming with my main right now getting my bank up.

IT SUCKS (except for those on NF or Cyc.) :(
Nightfall is going great. If your an old Cyclone guy you may see some old friends from BA in the guild I am in (Red Text). I guess a lot of them transfered/rerolled to nightfall so they could bg with us but still have the great arenas back at Cyclone.
Cyclone is really losing its luster, even on the skill front.

Yes they still have the most skilled players...the problem is there are only a very small handful of those people left. If you like playing the same 7 or 8 people over and over again, cyclone is still good then.

Nightfall on the other hand has seen a mass influx of xfers over the past two weeks. This means that it is super active (with bgs popping almost the entire day at this point, even on weekdays) but it also means that there are a lot of dedicated and talented twinks xfering from just about every battlegroup. The skill level is rising every day. While there is no Brumble currently in NF and the arenas still lack a certain amount of finesse, there is no shortage of players willing to improove and get better at it. The skill level in WSG is higher in NF than in cyclone without a doubt currently...sorry cyclone, but its true.

The best part seems to be that NF alliance seems to be pulling its head out of its collective rear end and we are winning a pretty high portion of the wsgs at this point. Id say horde still has the edge, but its not as big of a difference anymore.

Ill be pulling my shaman and maybe eventually my last cyclone toon (mah war) with the shammy going to try to help Chaos Theory, on Deathwing, get premade capable and who knows where for my warrior.
Alteffour said:
Cyclone is really losing its luster, even on the skill front.

Yes they still have the most skilled players...the problem is there are only a very small handful of those people left. If you like playing the same 7 or 8 people over and over again, cyclone is still good then.

Nightfall on the other hand has seen a mass influx of xfers over the past two weeks. This means that it is super active (with bgs popping almost the entire day at this point, even on weekdays) but it also means that there are a lot of dedicated and talented twinks xfering from just about every battlegroup. The skill level is rising every day. While there is no Brumble currently in NF and the arenas still lack a certain amount of finesse, there is no shortage of players willing to improove and get better at it. The skill level in WSG is higher in NF than in cyclone without a doubt currently...sorry cyclone, but its true.

The best part seems to be that NF alliance seems to be pulling its head out of its collective rear end and we are winning a pretty high portion of the wsgs at this point. Id say horde still has the edge, but its not as big of a difference anymore.

Ill be pulling my shaman and maybe eventually my last cyclone toon (mah war) with the shammy going to try to help Chaos Theory, on Deathwing, get premade capable and who knows where for my warrior.

can anyone confirm this for me?

i've heard a ton of shit about Nightfall being the 39 server and i am so sad that i cant play my rogue anymore...

i xferred her to ruin when some people there contacted me saying they had BG's and arenas and a guild waiting...i show up a week ago and havent had a single wsg pop, and about 10 arena's all together.

If nightfall is indeed THE place people are talking about im all over that shit like white on rice...
I have twinks on 4 different battlegroups, including Cyclone and Nightfall. The twinks on Emberstorm are waaay more skilled, and we get frequent wsg/arena pops.
Pers said:
I have twinks on 4 different battlegroups, including Cyclone and Nightfall. The twinks on Emberstorm are waaay more skilled, and we get frequent wsg/arena pops.

.. lol. 8/10 would read again!

Ps. Who's your Cyclone twink again lol?
Nightfall really is everythink everyone has said. We get games from around 4pm est to around 2am est. Arenas pretty much all day.
Pers said:
I have twinks on 4 different battlegroups, including Cyclone and Nightfall. The twinks on Emberstorm are waaay more skilled, and we get frequent wsg/arena pops.

Oh you.

I love reading these posts.

can anyone confirm this for me?

i've heard a ton of shit about Nightfall being the 39 server and i am so sad that i cant play my rogue anymore...

i xferred her to ruin when some people there contacted me saying they had BG's and arenas and a guild waiting...i show up a week ago and havent had a single wsg pop, and about 10 arena's all together.

If nightfall is indeed THE place people are talking about im all over that shit like white on rice...

Anywho, confirmed. I moved my toon over to nightfall and I typically get games from 4-6 est to late into the night, sometimes as late is 3 o clock in the night, usually 1 am though.

quite frequently (oh, about once every day to once every 2 days) 2 warsongs are up at the same time, we even had 3 up at once.

Arenas pop not all the time, but quite a bit throughout the day, they may not be the best players queue-ing up but it's still fun.
On Cyclone I have a priest in Rock Lobsta that I don't play much (though I think I've only run into you once in arena...it was a mirror priest/pallie match where we won), and a rogue that basically just sits in queue most the time.

Everyone else I've talked to with twinks on Emberstorm and Cyclone/NF agree that Emberstorm > all (in terms of skill and activity). We were up to 4 wsg's at the same time on Thursday, it was insane

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