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  1. Chrÿsalis

    Accountwide Heirlooms, Vanity Items and Tabards (picture)

    I dreaded this day. I knew it was coming soon. We really need more arenas and other community events going on. Having access to all your heirlooms pretty much defeats the purpose of doing BGs, especially if your F2P account is linked to your P2P account.
  2. Chrÿsalis

    5.5 and beyond

    This makes me curious as to if BoAs will be accessible in the same way mounts are, thus, eliminating the need to pass BoAs using the mail system
  3. Chrÿsalis

    can a gm send heirlooms to your f2p account if you have a p2p account with heirlooms

    Re: can a gm send heirlooms to your f2p account if you have a p2p account with heirlo Since F2Ps can't use the in-game mail system, I find this very improbable. It would mean the GM would have to give you the items manually. If I were you, I would just earn the heirlooms. It makes winning...
  4. Chrÿsalis

    Favourite/funnest class to play?

    I really enjoy playing an arms warrior. In my opinion, warriors can have the best dps in the bracket if played right. The only problem is the mobility but MoP gave a little aid to that with Double Time. I've been having so much fun with my warrior, I haven't played any other class in about a month.
  5. Chrÿsalis


    Yde is a really cool twinker here on TI. I don't see any legitimate reason for anyone to hate Yde.
  6. Chrÿsalis

    Whats your MS/FPS?

    No need to run 60+ frames unless you have a monitor that can support more! Turn on VSync and give your computer a rest! :P I get 120+ frames with VSync off and normally have a latency of 60-100.
  7. Chrÿsalis

    What would you like to see next patch?

    Reduced healing for lower levels.
  8. Chrÿsalis

    Should I quit WoW?

    It's not like you have to devote your life to wow. I play f2p casually as in, I don't play constantly but I still enjoy doing a few BGs here and there. It's all about self control. You can still enjoy the game but do not play excessively because you'll lose interest faster.
  9. Chrÿsalis

    I think blizzard is stupid

    I was once banned for making fun of a gold seller on my old p2p. The e-mail also said harassment and gold selling which made no sense but I did eventually get it back after weeks of trying. I'm sorry for you losing your account. I understand the stupidity and incompetence of Blizzard as well.
  10. Chrÿsalis

    RIP Aerie Peak Horde

    I like the idea of moving to a new server. Instead of mindlessly farming BGs for honor, we can focus more on playing the game as a community. We could have world PvP events, maybe PvE. The Hellfire fortification event was one of the most fun times I've had on F2P so why not do another one of those?
  11. Chrÿsalis

    Questions & Answers

    How do I get the quest Cities in Dust for Bracers of the Most Trusted?
  12. Chrÿsalis

    Questions & Answers

    I was able to find a tower with an i7 3.2ghz processor, 12gb RAM, Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT, 1 TB HDD and a 500W PSU for $500 on craigslist. It also came with a VGA and DVI compatible monitor. Look around, cheap and good computers are everywhere.
  13. Chrÿsalis

    Questions & Answers

    I wouldn't go for a 250W, personally. I would suggest a 450W at least. It's always good and safe to have more wattage than what your computer uses. For my question: What is the best way to store wealth in your bank?
  14. Chrÿsalis

    New PvP trinket in 5.2

    Well, more things to BG grind for
  15. Chrÿsalis

    Achievements Made Possible with DKs

    The point of this thread is to list and discuss all things that are possible to get. We all can look this up on wowhead, but it being listed here makes it easier.
  16. Chrÿsalis

    Achievements Made Possible with DKs

    Getting a lot of this sounds really hard and time consuming. Do you guys keep your DKs logged in somehow or do you constantly create new DKs? Also, may I suggest adding a section to the list that shows mounts and titles only?
  17. Chrÿsalis

    world pvp?

    About a year ago, we had a hellfire fortifications event. I would like to see that happen again since it really fun. Here's the old thread: Hellfire Fortifications Event
  18. Chrÿsalis

    Rune of Perfection updated on PTR

    This is nice news since spell pen is completely worthless now. It would also make fighting 24s a bit easier
  19. Chrÿsalis

    Your biggest free to play accomplishment?

    When f2p came out, I purchased all my heirlooms in a week on my shaman. I was also 10/12 to agm before I quit
  20. Chrÿsalis

    Who you're really mad at.

    I was under the impression when I first saw this thread that it meant, "User X hates User X" but now I see that is not the case (as if we really need to hear more of that anyway) I guess I hate the extensive amount of paladins per game.